Drunk and sad. How is everybody else night going?

0  2017-04-16 by BrianGilgoresDJ


You're a faggot. I'm also drunk but you're a faggot..

I've been drinking martinis out of an actual martini glass for almost 5 hours and watching old Japanese episodes of Iron Chef. Basically living the life of as celebrity or royalty.

Maybe if gay people were royalty. You poofter

A real king of queens am i right?

Fawkin buried him

Just call me Kevin GAYmes! Love ya, boys.

What's your YouTube channel?

Doing the same but listening to the sounds of a vomiting philipina and listening to vice city stations on loop.

What happened?

Some philly break your heart?

I peed some blood earlier

Thinking about the death of our Lord, are you? I know the feeling.

Whenever you're down just remember all of our lives suck ass too. You're not alone friendo

I got ripped off for weed last night, but atleast I got some, just not the quality I wanted. Bout to drunk drive to the store to buy more beer and drive around smoking a joint.

Fawkin buried him

Just call me Kevin GAYmes! Love ya, boys.