Amy Schumer has some weird fans.

62  2017-04-15 by cbanks420lol


A link to the actual discussion is better than a screen shot of it you fucko.

Don't tell me how to live my life.

Fair enough.

The actual discussion is nearly always deleted

The "I'm not your stereotypical redneck so I can call you a bigot and it means something, I tell you what!" bit stinks.

"Was conservative until the world went crazy." Sorry sissy, it's not the world that went crazy.

Is there anything more revolting than the prominence of "cisgendered?"

"What is "cis"? I don't know what that word means."

"Well, it's a new way of marginalizing normal people"

I have no clue what "cis" means, and I am perfectly content with never finding out.

Well, it's a new way of marginalizing normal people.

I understand you not agreeing with use of cisgender, but being so proud of not knowing the definition of a word is exactly the kind of thing "liberals" would say about you guys.

yep, dont be so proud to be ignorant.

chris rock had a bit about this certain type of person

Jeez, alright already. I looked it up.

You know, I feel as though I have really expanded my horizons today. Thanks fellas.

Cis is just a prefix. It's used in cell biology to describe one side of the golgi apparatus. There's a cis side and a trans side

Also in o-chem for isomers.

Cis means you aren't a retarded faggot. It's like someone saying, "hey look at that guy over there! He seems alright."

gold for that? u/I_Hate_Knickers is gonna be pissed

No is arr good. Mole then enough gord to go alound.

I think it's fine as a term that refers to a non-trans person, since the convention before that was to just call them a "normal" person, which is admittedly kinda douchey to trans people. It's not any different than using "straight" to mean non-gay.

Although when somebody uses it to start a laundry list of terms to describe the very specific pigeonhole they exist in, or as a way to apologize for having privilege or something, then fuck that.

I get it in terms of specifically discussing gender identity, but not so much as a general identity descriptor, given that it applies to 99.9% of people.
It's like, I have 2 legs, like 99.9% of people, and if someone asked me to describe myself, "bipedal" wouldn't even come to my mind.

Bisexual would come flying out though, amirite

Yeah cis people make me sick

I strongly suspect that this person is extremely fat and smells like shit

...a great, big fat person?

I'm a cisgender, beardy old white dude who owns a lot of guns..."

...and I can only communicate with shitty internet idioms and received ideas that clearly identify me as a fat, 20-something white girl!

Fucking dunce.

All I see here is /u/cbanks420lol being​ BTFO, I don't know if he'll ever recover from being ignored and blocked by a Reddit​or of this level of intelligence.

Sorry Carlton but their points really activated my almonds. You took an L, fam

I'm going to take 20 capsules of Kratom. so long my friends

On your way out, make sure you remember to EAT SHIT

Before you do it. Can I have your hentai folder?

I don't look at hentai because I'm not a pervert. You may have my boipucci stuff though.

Please be sure to bot your twitter so we never know you left.

That's what we call around here the old "deadcats"

Stinks, I watched your appearance on YKWD and you held your own. I loved when the broad kept trying to call you out and everyone ignored her.

This guy. . . this is not my kind of guy.

they best way to show people you don't care about downvotes, is to make 5 edits about it

No it isn't sir

oh literal jew

The Kurt Metzger School of Internet Arguments.

Sounds like just some old faggot who likes to White Knight for BBWs even though they're mostly mudsharks.

dude types like a lady.

Him going around ignoring people reminds me of one of Chuck Woolery's twitter blocking sprees:

I actually just saw this and defended your Original statement before realizing it had anything to do with this community.

That Lowbrowhijinks guy dried my pussy up like a prune with that misogyny horse shit.

Tits please

I show them on Kik sometimes.

But I don't know what that is

Ignore him, you're wonderful. Stay safe

that cis is going to turn into a trans in the not so distant future.



You heard about 8 of them

Alrays causing tlouble. I don't rike it.

Oh no, not you now.

"As a neckbeard redneck" is the new "As a black man"

I like to imagine those posts beginning with here yee here yee as they walk around the town square ringing a bell

You could reduce that entire paragraph about himself to just "mangina"

you are doing the lords work. At least, its better than when /u/i_hate_knickers tries to troll r/askreddit once every few months

Today at work we had two attractive female clients with giant breasts, they seemed like your standard cut broad who has shitty taste. I overheard them discussing Amy Schumer's new stand up comedy on Netflix, the girl goes to her friend "I didn't really laugh at all, she even started it off by recycling an old joke." I didn't hear much else aside from agreement from her friend.

Amy Schumer's appeal has officially expired, in full.

I've noticed the same thing: all of my friends who barely pay attention to comedy used to gush about Amy Schumer. Now they don't bring her up at all.

Not only is her time up, but she is quickly shifting public perception to be actively against her.

Edit 87: No, I CHOOSE to live alone!

I think they're testing out a new south park character

/u/joecumiasr wow you re famous now

Ah the old powerful victim conundrum. "Women are strong and the sexes are equal, also it's demeaning to ever talk about men fucking them but perfectly fine to talk about women fucking men".

It's not the frequency (ie non-stop) of the contradictory logic that blows my mind, it's how obviously contradictory it is. The only thing that can overcome someone's common sense that much is desperation. The ends - "bigot! bigot!" - are forced to justify the means.

I don't agree with Ann Coulter all that much at all. But she was right about one thing. It's a mental disorder.

Hey guys- glad you're having so much fun heaping hate on me. Sorry to barge in, but I thought I should settle some misunderstandings you're having here before things get out of hand.

First- no, I'm not a big fan of Amy Schumer. But I think this dogpile hate train pile-on party is sort of embarrassing? Is that the right word? I "don't hate" her so that makes me a "weird fan." OK.

Second- Isn't it sort of a crybaby move to run to r/opieandanthony to whine about how somebody hurt your feelings and ruined your fun while you were trying to shit on Amy Schumer? Is this your safe place u/cbanks420lol?

Third- the bottom comment posted above is in direct response to someone telling me about how his wife and her friends won't go near Reddit because it's a cesspool of misogyny. He thanked me for "fighting the good fight" and said he was actually sort of careful about posting because he's a minority and sees a lot of hateful racial comments on Reddit. That's the context for me describing myself the way I did.

I'd just spent the better part of the afternoon fielding hateful comments from morons and was a little drunk so the description I wrote of myself was meant to be funny. Sorry? I used the term "cisgender" because I just listened to an episode of Harmontown where the term was used several times in a mocking way and I had to Google it to learn what it meant and I thought it was funny. So if you saw this comment way, way, way out of context and got triggered because I'm such a big bad old SJW sorry for the turd in your punchbowl. It was meant to be funny, and since I've seen how fucking hateful and abusive y'all can be about being unfunny while stealing jokes I guess you can use that to justify hating me. Sorry I stole your joke, Dan Harmon.

Fourth- I like reading your speculations about how awful I am. I hope it makes you feel... better about yourselves? But holy shit- the top comment is "I strongly suspect that this person is extremely fat and smells like shit." You guys have no room to bitch about how Amy Schumer isn't funny if this is the cream that floated to the top.

Fifth- For a group of people who hate on PC and SJW types you have an awful lot of triggers and really thin skins. You should get that checked.

Sixth- I never blocked u/cbanks420lol and I didn't delete any of my comments. I started blocking people because they were just being dicks. If you want to downvote any and all of my comments, knock yourself out. That'll show me! If you click on my username, you can go get them in bulk without having to bother with context or even reading them at all.

Also since your insults suck, here's some ammo:

I'm 6'3, about 240lbs. I'm married. I'm bald. I have a beard. I get diarrhea like- a lot because I have bowel issues. My parents are dead. My best friend died this year from cancer. I make an average income, live in an average house, drive an average car, and live an average life. I play guitar (badly) and can't sing very well at all. I like comedians- Jim Norton rocks. I think I'm starting to get arthritis because my knuckles hurt more every year. I think Hillary's terrible but Trump is worse. I can be a dick about spelling and grammar.

So have fun, I guess.

Nobody is reading that shit

I thought I told you if contacted me again I was calling the police.

I'm sorry you got so butthurt you had to go preach about me to your choir.

Nah I posted it so we could all laugh at how much of a faggot you are.

We've been over this. If I let you suck my dick it doesn't mean I'm gay.

Please stop threatening me.

My dick isn't big enough to be considered "threatening."

I meant threatening me with a good time.

Sorry- reread the label. It does say "choking hazard," but I guess you already knew that.

You're a fucking weirdo please stop talking to me.

I'm sure you got cheesed when I called you out for a single sentence you said in a single comment. But at some point you need to consider that if you're so insecure about criticism leveled against you that you feel the only appropriate response is to publicly invite mass shaming and mob rule judgment against the person who criticized you, you might have a problem.

I called you out for a single sentence and you've dishonestly portrayed me in an effort to get masses of people who don't know me to attack me for who I am on a personal level. And while it's morbidly fascinating how this has played out and it's hard to take attacks on this strawman punching bag version of myself seriously all kidding aside, no jokes, no bullshit- this is an incredibly shitty thing you've done. I'm left to honestly wonder whether or not you have serious and deep seated problems.

This comment will get downvoted. Just because. I have already been judged and deemed guilty of ideas I didn't put forth, of opinions I never stated, of holding positions I've never argued. Every ugly comment posted here isn't even about me- it's about angry miserable people who are shitting on some idea of a boogie man that I've become the convenient placeholder for.

But I can't honestly (or even condescendingly) say I pity you. I look at how this circus has played out and I see a sad loser so consumed with bitterness and anger that they have spent their Easter Sunday orchestrating a witch hunt to persecute a stranger who fucked with their efforts to anonymously say mean shitty things about a celebrity they've never even met.

And you know what? It makes me happy. I see a sad, miserable, angry and impotent piece of shit and it honestly makes me feel better. Thanks for that, asshole. Happy Easter.

glad to see you're meeting new friends

Type more words, you whiny, feminine nigger.


Everything you've said to me is a sad attempt to provoke a reaction with just words.

It's like when comedians or musicians or artists describe themselves as "edgy." It means they aren't.

It's the same with comments like yours. It's not upsetting or offending me. It's disappointing me. Trolling has become an art form and you're a hack. You've got nothing. You guys want to shit on me for all the people I tagged "ignore." But I didn't tag you.

There have been things said here that have genuinely upset me. But not by you. You've been such an ineffectual loser that I look forward to your comments because they genuinely amuse me.

I know responding to you like this is probably going to change what we have, but how can I turn down a request from one of my biggest fans?

Nigger faggot

I get it, you've decided I deserve to be harassed. And you think I'm going to get upset by PC trigger words.

But in all seriousness, you might as well use the word "smurf."

Shut up faggot.

Shut up fag

No one cares. You're not interesting. No one is going to read your college thesis on how boring you are.

"Third- the bottom comment posted above is in direct response to someone telling me about how his wife and her friends won't go near Reddit because it's a cesspool of misogyny. He thanked me for "fighting the good fight" and said he was actually sort of careful about posting because he's a minority and sees a lot of hateful racial comments on Reddit"

Thank god for you sir. What would this poor minority and his wife's vulnerable group of damsels do without you to go into battle for them? You realise they are more than capable of doing so for themselves?

If this exchange even happened, what fight is it he's talking about? He's "careful" about posting on Reddit? How is he being careful? What and where is he posting that would be affected by anyone knowing he's a minority? It's anonymous so why be careful?

The point is context. The 2 comments were made hours apart and in radically different contexts to different people. OP spliced them together because it makes me look bad.

I could give a shit whether or not you think I made up the scenario. Let's say I did. In the context of this mob rule dogpile where I'm up for public judgment for "White Knighting," let's say that yes- I totes made that up. Because this is so fun for me I lied to get more of it. Let's go with that.


You're right, context is important. Here is the comment you were replying to -

"You fought a good fight here, but it's ultimately useless to go against the hive mind.

It's sad because Reddit is starting to get an incredibly bad rap because of comments like the one you were criticizing. For example, my wife didn't even know what reddit was a year ago. Now, here and all of her friends know it exists, but they all hate it because they consider it to be a misogynistic cesspool. I've tried explaining that there are other subreddits beyond the default subs, but it's difficult for them to use the site when they see a site-wide attitude that women are somehow lesser than men.

Hell, even as a minority myself, I know I'm not welcome here. That has been the hardest part about using this site: the constant abuse I see in comment sections against blacks and other minorities."

Where is he "thanking you for fighting the good fight"? "You fought a good fight" could be to a losing boxer after going 12 rounds. Not really thanking you there. And I missed where he says he is careful about posting on Reddit?

Lucky you don't give a shit about being believed

I'm flattered that you're a big enough fan to comb through my comment history to fact check yourself.

I was paraphrasing while defending myself once I'd learned I was being attacked by a mass of strangers about a deliberately dishonest depiction of myself. Do you understand what that is like? It sucks.

The sentiment expressed to me by this person was the only positivity I had gotten after hours of my inbox overflowing with dumb shit from stupid dicks. I didn't want to link to or directly quote this person because I didn't want this army of shitstains to decide they needed to go punish him, either.

But yes, context is important so I have gone back and edited my comment to actually quote the person I was responding to instead of paraphrasing. But you can still see what I originally wrote because I'm not a coward and because it doesn't change the point I was making.

And that is that the two comments by which I am being judged are made hours apart to different people in different contexts.

I'd bet if I was so butthurt by any of the things said to me here and I gave a shit about it I could comb through anyone's comment history and find two unrelated statements and post them side by side and make them look like a retard. For most of the people in this thread, any two would do.

So are you gonna check out classic Opie and Anthony with Jim Norton clips? Perhaps you can understand the "mindset" here.

I recommend all featuring Patrice O'Neal :^ ) There are even some shows with Patton Oswalt, if that's more up your alley.

I didn't know there were Patton clips- I'll check those out. Thanks for the heads up.

Hahahaha your parents are dead.

Sorry to hear about your friend dying of cancer. Look on the bright side, maybe your carb toilet wife will be next!

Ugh. Too little, too late. But you get points for reading the syllabus.

Spread that ass, fag.

You're right, context is important. Here is the comment you were replying to -

"You fought a good fight here, but it's ultimately useless to go against the hive mind.

It's sad because Reddit is starting to get an incredibly bad rap because of comments like the one you were criticizing. For example, my wife didn't even know what reddit was a year ago. Now, here and all of her friends know it exists, but they all hate it because they consider it to be a misogynistic cesspool. I've tried explaining that there are other subreddits beyond the default subs, but it's difficult for them to use the site when they see a site-wide attitude that women are somehow lesser than men.

Hell, even as a minority myself, I know I'm not welcome here. That has been the hardest part about using this site: the constant abuse I see in comment sections against blacks and other minorities."

Where is he "thanking you for fighting the good fight"? "You fought a good fight" could be to a losing boxer after going 12 rounds. Not really thanking you there. And I missed where he says he is careful about posting on Reddit?

Lucky you don't give a shit about being believed

I was trying to clarify what you were talking about about the two separate points thing. True, The two minutes it took to see what you were talking about probably could have been spent on more noble pursuits while sitting on the shitter but hey, my shit cutter, waddya want from me.

Listen man everyone gets put in the barrel from time to time on the net you just have to lay back and enjoy it. Have a humiliation wank over it, it's bracing.

Now send me a pic of your war torn old pussy and I'll send you one of my wholly inadequate peckah and everyone can move on. Repeatedly responding to people bashing you by saying that you don't give a shit and giving the "ignored" lines when the action itself says the opposite is the case, as you yourself said it can suck, is the worst way to go. Just relax and waste the short time left before death frivolously like the rest of us.

Oh and it's probably not a good idea to keep referring to minorities as shit stains too. Folks don't go for that malarkey much around these parts 👍

Please stop threatening me.

Not only is her time up, but she is quickly shifting public perception to be actively against her.

Stinks, I watched your appearance on YKWD and you held your own. I loved when the broad kept trying to call you out and everyone ignored her.