Sam today: "It's not I don't think the hollocaust happened, I just know those lying kikes fudged the numbers somehow"

19  2017-04-15 by salmon_fillet


I didn't listen to the show (who does?) but this sounds exactly like something Sam would say. I don't know why he's become such an outspoken holocaust denier recently. Horrible bitter little man.

Has it been pointed out that Sam has felt more comfortable discussing his abhorrent Holocaust denial ever since people began criticizing him for the surfeit of WWE guests on the show? I think the two are connected and he's finally letting the mask of snarkiness slip away to reveal the true malevolence that dwells within.

They're always muckin up the works.

You know I think Sam's right for once.

The reason Sam doesn't want Colin Quinn on the show is that Colin actually acknowledges the Holocaust.

Man, I like Colin, but what's he doing?

"Okay, okay, I admit the holocaust was a thing. But can we all acknowledge how funny it was?"

Does anyone actually believe 6 million jews died in the holocaust?

I thought the idea was to get people to like him less, not more.