Steve C Suicide theory

30  2017-04-15 by funnygod

Do you guys remember that during the show the day before they announced Steve killed himself that opie and anthony made fun of him for getting fired in a really brutal way? It seemed to me at the time that it was possible he heard them making fun of him and that pushed him over the edge. Of course they would never bring this up for obvious career/legal reasons.


Opie had already killed him the day before.

They did this many times before and even after...

Yep, and Opie would always scream about "Dude we're just brutal to EEEVERYONE".

Meanwhile, on the Howard Stern Show, Dice said Opie was bad at radio and somehow Opie took this as him making fun of his dead dad.

I never said ANYTHHIIINGGGG to the FAWWKIN' guy! But he thinks it's cool to make fun of my FAWKIN' dead FAWTHER? REAAALLLY FAWKIN' funny! HAHAHAHAH!!

When that fell through, Tits has moved on to the story that he went after Howard's family after Howie made fun of Brother Wease's penny-eating daughter on the air.

"I have stick up for my guuuyyysss. sniff"

Lol youre so biased its retarded. Or are you trolling me now cause Howard went on a 15 min tirade saying how he's gonna fuck his dead skull etc.

He said he was going to skullfuck Mancow's Dad, not Oqie.

Howard started into that after Dice brought Cow up, with Dice yelling "Don't do dat!", because Howchie recalled an incident where one of Cow's crew sent a box of shit to the office.


Opie wished Howard would talk about his dead dad but he's just not relevant enough in sterns life to get brought up like that

Does anyone have the clip of Jim saying "Suicide Steve" then instantly apologizing?

I only remember him saying "I'm a ghoooost, boooooooooo" then they awkwardly chuckled and immediately changed the subject.

That's not from when this guys talking about. If you want to find it, it's when he was giving O&A an example of what he would be like if he came in to the show drunk. However the clips of it that I've found the part where he says "Suicide Steve" have been removed.

I think they removed it from the replay. Jimmy was saying a bunch of random names, like "Crazy Carl" or whatever and said "Suicide Steve" and immediately was like "shit I didn't even mean that, I was just thinking of names". I think most people thought it was a gastric bypass problem or something before that

I think most people thought steve died from gastric bypass problem or something before that

No, we all knew

I was the first person to say it was suicide.

Everyone shit on me for a couple of months.

The reason I thought it was suicide was because he died on his wedding anniversary, and nobody would discuss the cause of death.

Plus, I'm an asshole with no social skills.

Ok thanks. Any mention of Steve post mortem are real quick and even they seem to realize it was inappropriate but can't help themselves.

It's from this episode at 2:12:20.

How the hell do you have that timestamp

Someone asked for the same clip on Youtube a year ago and I just pulled it from my comment history.


He had bipolar bro, sort of common when it goes untreated

Bipolar is hippie cuck bullshit doesn't exist

Ah yes, just one of countless myriad falsehoods of a Jewish nature

... yes it does, stupid.

Nah there are people that actually are mentally ill. You never heard about it before the 80s because the family would lock them up in a crazy house once it got too bad.

It used to be called manic depressive and it definitely exists. My mother wouldn't get out of bed for months at a time when depressed, then one day get up and try to burn the house down after breaking every glass and plate in the house. We were drinking out of Tupperware cups for six months after that.

So yeah, it's real.

Opie has Mafia connections. Never a suicide.

Remember the time opie kept slamming the taxi door on some guys leg mafia style until he got away?

And who can forget when he tried to do a hit on a guy underwater?

Or his violent attack on the tollbooth. Tits is mobbed up so deep that he could probably get a house plant killed... if Bam gave it to him and he stopped watering it out of spite.

oh yeah forgot to mention......

RAMONE! cut the rope, i regret this immediately.

it wasn't a single thing. It was a series of unfortunate events that lead up to it.

I don't have proof but I'm pretty sure Opie told him to kill himself.

If you are such a faggot that you kill yourself for fucking Opie then you deserve to die. Pussy.

Edgy stuff man. You really now how to let the jokes fly while staying true to who you are...a tough, bad ass mother fucker. Keep these coming.

The thing I remember about the Suicide announcement was the unfunny hack that rang up (ex howard stern guy (now banned)) said O&A should do something, an event or similar to help pay funeral bills & money for his wife & new kid.

As far as I recall, there was an awkward silence of sorts & then nothing was ever said or done about helping his family out ever.

That's the only reason the Patrice Benefit really bothers me.

Patrice was a comedian. He made money for being in shows and a couple of movies. It was sad when he died but he had made a lot more than most people already.

Steve, well Steve was a producer on a radio show. He was made fun of ruthlessly and maliciously for over a decade by these two. He got fired and killed himself and they didn't even like set up something that listeners could donate to and plug it, much less open their pocketbooks for his widow and child.


these two. He got fired and killed himself and they didn't even like set up something that listeners could donate to and plug it, much less open their pocketbooks for his widow and child.

They did. Steve's wife got $50,000 from the listeners and Gene Simmons

I'm gonna need a source on that. Not that I don't believe you.



Oh damn, I guess my crusty old brain is more retarded than I thought. I will edit my post.

Not that it matters but it's not his kid.

Steve's kid wasn't his?

His girlfriend/wife had a kid from a previous relationship. There were some pictures of her doing bodybuilding poses that I am unable to find now. It was a big discussion on Wackbag. From the impression I got she was a bodybuilder back then. I don't remember if they were actually married.

The subject of his wife/GF had always been strictly not-for-air and the entire staff respected that--even shithead shitsucker DannyFromTheShow respected that boundary, showing us that much of what we hear on the show is not real life. That's a fact this sub ignores ironically because it's fun as fuck when we find out some things on the show are really real life, like Tranthony and Greggshells bullshit. Heh.

Yeah I remember that, it was $50k.

I feel like hanging myself after reading your post.

Sewercide is not the answer, fella!

Steve C.'s body is swing back the other way.



I recently listened to those few shows....pretty sure the shows leading up to his suicide they hadn't even mentioned him more so than a YAAASSSSS or something of that nature....but my memory sucks so i could be wrong.

Opie used Steve as his punching bag every day for a decade. Then when callers told Opie he may have been part of reason Steve took his life, Opie said "You don't know how good our relationship was behind the scenes."

I prefer to blame Sam.

He undermined Steve relentlessly to get a piece of his paycheck, encouraged Danny to prank himself out of a job to get near a microphone, sent Ant's tweets to Gawker to try and take his seat, then conspired with Jim to nab Opie's seat when Spuds didn't make him co-host.

Watch your back, Jim!!!

sent Ant's tweets to Gawker to try and take his spot,

Ive heard a lot of theories but never this one

Steve C himself said that both Danny and Sam hated him with a passion and did everything they could to talk shit to their respective masters (Anthony and Opie) behind his back. He also said that the only people that he felt actually respected him off-air was Opie and E-Rock. The only two members of the show who didn't go to Steve's funeral with notable Anthony and Danny so it's obvious they didn't give a shit about him. I wouldn't be surprised if Sam too was part of Steve's eventual firing since apparently they needed both Opie and Anthony's consent for Steve C to be released and if Sam had even made one murmur of keeping Steve Opie would have probably left him on.

Opie is a lousy comedian, but at least he went to Steve's funeral.

Ant is such a piece of shit. At least his brother spits in the mouth of children for sexual reasons.


I prefer to believe it's because he hated being gay.

No, the he once offered them some cake or fruit pie. Greg Opie Destroyer Maximus jumped and smashed the cake. He later hung himself with final words grrrrr. Or no-no-no-no

I remember Kevin from Connecticut said something about Opie and Steve not getting along and Opie threw a hissy fit about it saying "You guys have no idea what goes on around here"

For some reason I have no problem with the Joe Cumia spit thing (which is obviously true), but pinning Steve's suicide on any one member of the show seems shitty. The guy is dead, I mean... let it be?

Patton killed him

Depression causes suicide. Not Opie.

Working with him might cause depression.

I noticed listening to the archives that Steve C. Mentioned suicide and killing himself all the damn time. I'd love a Dr. Jimmy opinion of depression though

I blame Opie for steves death because he defended steve the same way he defended ant's job.

I think Steve's wife had just left him, but it could have sent him over the edge.

Steve had drug and emotional problems.

If there was any aspect of the radio show at all that was responsible it was the money.

He was EP, paid well and Foundry brought in an additional revenue stream. Losing all that has to be hard. Then the station you found work at flips and you're out of a job AGAIN. So you take work as a prod guy/night DJ in Scranton and decide to kill yourself one night because you can't afford dickall anymore without the dual income of OA/FM. You thought getting married would fill the void. It didnt. You thought having a kid would fill the void. It didnt. Now you broke, under 40 with a wife and kid scraping by in God awful Scranton PA.

But yeah, I mean, or maybe he heard Opie make fun of him.

If Steve couldn't handle being made fun of, he'd have killed himself in 2001.

He would've been fine if he hadn't taken on the responsibility of raising another man's kids.

Being a dad is expensive.

Steve's kid is his. So is Opie's. Fuck your retarded fan fiction.

This is an original theory