Does Sam have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? You be the judge...

39  2017-04-14 by ManiacalChrisBenoit


It all fits except for microcephaly. His head is massive

This is way too accurate.

Opie fits the bill as well. The shit-apple doesn't fall far from the shit-tree.

He is definitely a weird looking fuck, but honestly doesn't look anything like FAS.



Was that ever in question?

No. He has MTHS - Midget Took Hormones Syndrome.

Well he doesn't have AHBD, that's for sure.

Sam should use all that hair his mom saved to make a toupee

And some kind of mask.

I belive his father to be a negro and his mother a white gal.

Which is much worse than FAS if you ask me

Fetal African Syndrome



If he does, it's very sad, but also quite surprising that he got as far as he did. People with FAS tend to have much lower IQ and commit crimes, alongside a bunch of other problems.

While it's well established that Sam is dumb, he's not THAT dumb. I would say that someone like Bobo is probably suffering from something like that, given his odd behavior and sometimes seemingly low IQ (however, he doesn't come across as stupid at all, just very emotionally unstable).

Bobo doesn't come across as stupid at all?

Stupis socially, yes. But IQ? Have you seen the clips of him doing math and spelling? He's up there

Forget Sam. That looks exactly like Norton.

Theres a vid on youtube where he talks about getting HGH injections in middle school because he was under develpoed and would have originaly been 4'10. Honestly hearing it made me piece together why he is the way he is.

...and that drank was Colt45.

No, but now that it has my attention, it the one on the right looks like everyone I know.

Why'd you just put up 2 pictures of Sam? What am i supposed to compare?

Dunno but he has about 5 more years, tops, until the "cute kid with a big smile and distinct face" turns into a middle aged faggot who is judged on his work rather than his young guy persona.

Can I also be the jury and executioner?

Those treatments are really expensive. A kid in school got them. Had a 9" donger, he said it was the drugs. Maybe thats his secret.

I believe that Sam Roberts has that disease.

This is an indictment of E-rock more than anything.

Him or the child he's bearing?

I know a woman who's younger son has a lot of these symptoms and was very delayed with his speech development. Plus she's a very heavy drinker & miserable slut so I hope it's true.

No I think he's got adult infant syndrome. Symptoms include enjoying wrestling and toys aged 40 and preferring the kids menu in restaurants.

I'm all in with shitting on Sam but this sub claims everyone has fetal alcohol syndrome.

I don't know if he has FASD, but I think he's on the autism spectrum. His fixation on wrestling and organizing his wrestling dolls, he can't eat food with certain textures and his extreme self-centered nature are all big flags.

Naw,he has,ugly parents he ugly syndrome.