What exactly is Sam Roberts?

19  2017-04-14 by Crownenberg


A failed abortion?

He really lost a lot of hair.

Check his mom's Tupperware.

A holocaust denier and/or sympathiser

A faggot.

Wow the negative effects of an all chicken finger diet.

What happens when dad leaves mom home alone on a business trip.

Our Lord's cruelest mistake.




The odd part about Sam is that he doesn't even try to look human with some hipstery shaved sides haircut or anything. He's just contempt being a relic from a million years ago in every aspect of his looks.


Yes that is odd. He could at least make an effort to fit in, the little ape-looking fuck.

He gay.

He's an ugly jew.

Sam is transitioning into a twiggy alien

The strongest argument one can make against racemixing.

Nearly forty.

A quarter flicking fruit?

A lot of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome traits in this pic. I bet that's why Bobby babied him so much. She felt bad that she was trashed during a lot of the pregnancy.

Chore-boy hair

An example of medical malpractice in HGH therapy. There's no other explanation for how he could be so fucking weird looking.

A man of action.

The missing link.


A low quality radio host.

his hair looks so abrasive

Very stupid and very ugly.

A professional ass licker.