REMINDER: this sub is gay and so are you

1  2017-04-14 by fecesinyourvagina


Seriously folks, this sub is as funny as anthony on a roast dais. See what i did there?

Today's shit-tier awful memes that you faggot circlejerk to:

  1. Anthony fucking trannies (new record for #1 appearances)

  2. (new) Discovering Faceapp

  3. Sam hate

  4. Scorch

  5. Being unfunny niggers

reminder that your death is inevitable. No one likes to wait. Just end it now, please.

this sub is garbage, no one here is remotely funny. redditors are faggots, i hate every one of you and i wish you the most painful, slow and agonizing deaths humanly possible.

drink nigger-tit milk and die you fucking nigger bitches.


I'm relieved to see my Stalker Patti post didn't make your list.

Some more sick edge by my main man u/fecesinyourvagina. Let's hear it for him folks

More edge than an octagon, a shape with quite a few edges.

Those are corners you goof

A corner is where two edges fall in love.

good luck on the people's court, joe.

awful meme #6. Shock Racism

I should be studying, but it's so much fun to make comments about Jews and niggers here. I can't help myself. Also, I 100% concur that redditors are total faggots.

Who pee'd in your cheerios?

My PFG Friday Scorch post was PFG if you ask me.

So just to be clear that makes us niggerfaggots?

Ooooh, this guy has a bit!

Edgier than a tapered tampon, as our own jim might say