Reminder: Anthony Cumia got beat up by a girl and then threw a tantrum on Twitter and fucked his whole life

136  2017-04-14 by Crownenberg

Dumb Arab



I love that at the time this sub defended him but now we can all be honest about it

Oh, because it's never justifiable to be racist...

Most people at the time were defending him on the basis of "he's said worse during the actual radio show."

Anthony (who is a piece of Long Island detritus, remember) raging against black people is a little like if prostate cancer could rant and rave that it was somehow superior to ovarian cancer. In the final summation, they both fucking suck.

That's what he said.

Side note to reminder: He got his ass handed to him by a woman because he was creeping on a negro-Amercian hooker taking pictures of her because he's secretly attracted to those people (and trannys).

Nah man, he was taking highly artistic photographs of individually placed scaffolding.

A committed artist never sleeps.

Just ask Black Earl.

Because you're not allowed to hit back. You guys forgot everything Patrice taught


Anyone who take life lessons from comedians or south park should be shot

Tom and Jerry have never steered me wrong.

To expand on this:

1) his reaction to getting slapped by a girl was to get blackout drunk.

2) he lost a dream job and destroyed his career which he was incredibly lucky to have in the first place due to getting blackout drunk

3) 18 months later he gets drunk again and bites a woman (!). Judge orders him to rehab, he doesn't take it seriously and continues to drink to this day

Just so we're clear.

then what happened?

He fucked a tranny.

Anything juicy though?

His cock when he sword fought with the tranny.

Naturally, but any good gossip not completely fabricated one day on this sub?

What I told you definitely happened. He paid off people to cover up the fact that he was with a boy named Sue.

I think you have the words definitely and allegedly mixed up. I get the joke, Ant likes trannies. Great, humorous ballbusting. But lets not pretend anything you said has factual merit. Coulda happened I guess. No evidence it did.

Gotta make you don't dry out those hair plugs

Why would ant have this "girl" over in the first place? So they could talk about anime together? She openly admits she gets paid to fuck and just happened to get breast implants right after meeting Anthony. And when Anthony has addressed the tranny rumors he said "I guess people say I like trannies cause Bailey J has been over." He won't even acknowledge sue was at his house which there is proof of.

Sounds like you got a whole bunch of "why would" mixed up with a batch of reality. Great theory though. Hilarious. Really pisses ant off. Still not proof of much.

The hotel bathroom photo was pretty damming

You need to stop filling airtime by desperately ranting like a retard and go back to doing reactive radio interspersed with the skits you used to do when you were young

Are you incapable of deductive reasoning you faggot vampire apologist?

Where did I apologize for him? Show me something other than a retards assumptions on a reddit post and some very circumstantial evidence and I'll call him Tranthony too. I get the bit dummy. Makes me laugh when I read it. But I don't go to sleep at night thinking Ant fucks trannies, dani had her ribs broken or countless other shitposts. The accuracy batting average of this sub is <.200 Ant is more believable when he says this doesn't affect him. Did you hear that Joe Cumia mainlines toddler semen in a satanic ritual on Tuesdays? Deductive Reasoning!!!!

All this shit is true to me dammit. Quit ruinin' my fun!

He had a few too many Buds and thought it was Bailey, case solved.

Speculation! Yeeesssss! Call the girls over, its gonna get spicy in here!

Given what we know, it is highly likely Ant fucked sue. Sue's texts, access to Ant's en suite bathroom, Ant's dithering and panicked defence when that caller mentioned her/him. If you truly believe Sue was at the compound innocently playing monopoly or something you're a naive fool.

He sent a iPad to what he thought was a 13 year old girl

That's the bit

He got mad when people called him out for letting a scam service advertise on his failing podcast.


Started crying when we accused him of fucking a tranny

Did he cry? Or is that more shenanigans?

Mike from Redbar claimed that he did in a tweet. Personally, I believe it because I want it to be true.

Who? Did he type "boo hoo" in the tweet or use the 😭? And finally, that's the bit.

Where the fuck have you been?

On this sub. Everyday. Watching this deterioration into madness.

for someone who wants to be seen as a aplha male, he sure is one faggy dick

If he's had someone (girlfriend/wife etc) waiting for him at home, he wouldn't have been out taking creep shots of black hookers of questionable gender. If he had a real friend (not someone who purely relied on him for money or free beer) he could have called them to vent.

But poor Antwan had no one to talk to that fateful night. So he went the only place he could. To a public social media site, where he threw away his career and reputation. The kicker? The dumb guinea is still on there, ranting about things that don't really affect him at all.

The real kicker is that his life is still salvageable. He's self-employed, has a nice home, and a little $ in the bank (maybe).

But the booze-soaked brain sloshing around in that tumbleweed adorned skull of his lacks even a shred of common sense - and that's what keeps this sub alive.

He also had his gun and every right to use it, and DIDN'T. What a fucking waste. He uses the gun to act like a tough guy on the radio. He'll never use it. If anything he'll accidentally kill a guest while doing drunk karaoke.

No you can't conduct a surveillance operation a black woman's booty then shoot her because she yells at you to stop, you dumb faggot. He wasnt assaulted. He got yelled at and embarrassed, then ran off to Twitter.

He's a bitch.

You'll get no argument from me about that fact.

he'll accidentally kill a guest while doing drunk karaoke.

I can't wait for sweeps week.

If he used his gun that night he would be in prison right now.

I wish he was in prison right now.

He remembers

All he had to do was wait until the next day he was in the studio where his racist rants were accepted and normal, but the nigger in him made him act like an irrational animal and go on Twitter where literally anyone could see his retarded raving

It wouldn't have been the next day. They were going on 4th of July weekend holiday, but your point stands. If he'd had the self discipline to keep his mouth shut (in public), it would've been great radio when he came back and told it on-air. As it was, the last ever Opie and Anthony show was a boring shitfest featuring Sandy Kane.

If it wasn't this though the Dani Brand incident would've definitely gotten him canned

Poor Ant. He could've been a "high-bottom" but instead he'll drink and party till he dies or the money dries up and the cultures runaway

I'll never get tired of these Anthony is a bitch reminders.

Only a liberal would interpret it that way

The fact that he has to advertise a scam website to his group of bootlickers means that his network is in the gutter financially. That's D-level advertising money. He also pays salaries which means after expenses, taxes and all, his take home money is closer to that of a shift supervisor at Panera. Except he has to fake laugh every 20 seconds to pretend his show is entertaining.

His old job paid him 7 figures or at least close to it for 15 hours a week where he spoke to celebrities and had free healthcare. Think about it.


Anything juicy though?

I love that at the time this sub defended him but now we can all be honest about it