where we at with the trany nerd reviews?

2  2017-04-14 by bootMugger


This guy's trying to compete with my nigga Chris Chan for laziest tranny.

She won't win, Chris Tran has Sonichu!!!


What the fuck IS IT?!

i'm for it

This looks and sounds like Jim Sterling doing a character

I was reading the comments on a Jezebel article yesterday (that is a guilty pleasure of mine). And it was the story about that Muslim doctor in Michigan who did female genital mutilation on a number of young girls. The one comment was a tranny, who went from male to female. She was talking about how she had female genital mutilation happen to her when she was young. She was referring to her dick being circumcized. And then there was a huge argument about how CIS women don't recognize the struggles of transwomen. LMAO these people are bat shit crazy. She is counting her penis being circumcised as a female genital mutilation. She desperately wants attention and to be treated as a victim.

They're mentally broken people. We should probably just put them all on some island out of the way and not let them leave. kinda like how the Brits dealt with sick people during the Bubonic Plague.

What a flatso

where is the trany?

all I see is fat dude with long hair.

So, this trans shit is just autism, right? That's what it's looking like? How's history going to look at us celebrating and encouraging the lopping off of retard dicks fifty years from now? Yeesh.

This is really fucking sad.