Didn't Opie go to to Turks and Caicos a few weeks ago?

6  2017-04-14 by Wolosocu


Damn these people are getting doxxed hard. Their wedding page is down, as well as both their linkedin and they live in Memphis which is like 60% black.

They just wanted their phone back :(

Cue the "crying" apology tour ....

My girlfriend did the same shit when she lost her phone on her birthday. We went to a bar with some friends and she drunkenly forgot her phone. The person who found it turned it off so everytime she called it, it's go right to voicemail. It was an iPhone and we didn't know that when you get a new phone, it'll sync up automatically to any missed calls, texts and/ or voicemails. Was pretty funny hearing her drunkenly slur her words while screaming racist shit, saying her dad is a detective and then pretending to be a detective. I recorded all the voicemails and posted some of them on YouTube.

Women are dumb.

Is that Joe Materese and his doctor wife?

Couldnt have been Opie he was calling Sam's house threatening the Roberts to have their baby baptized or he will "do something about it"

As fucked up as she is, the cunts clearly had her phone.

They oogies are going to want to cut off the guy's cock and let monkeys rape the woman for their reparations.