Where we at with the 13 Reasons Why?

1  2017-04-14 by BrianGilgoresDJ

Everybody is watching it, but it looks gay


My sister in law is adamant that it's a true story no matter how much evidence I show her to the contrary.

Let's see her tits

That's disgusting, sir

the best thing about netflix going mainstream and taking a more liberal outlook on the shows/movies they put up is I can choose not to watch it. I can just 1 star it.. I can just downvote it and move on

Every adolescent who commits suicide wants to prove that their community or peer put them over the edge. It may be true in a lot of cases. Except there's no real vengeance.

Because ya know, cause you're dead.

They should put all that suicide energy into inventing a business idea. No vengeance like having people see you on Shark Tank.