Where you fellas at with...

0  2017-04-14 by Gilgores_Trout

Brian Gilgore?


No thank you

I'm a Gilgore Girl.

I consider myself a Brinker. What now, bitch?

He would be useful if we ever needed to plug up a manhole.

There's no fucking way you aren't talking to yourself here.


I've noticed he's actually funny on reddit. But when he gets in front of a microphone he's a slow, fat retard. Still trying to reconcile this conundrum.

I've heard there is a lot of infighting about this subject.

He's too Hollywood for me now that he made it.

We're just fine with you, Brian.

Jesus are you implying Gilgore is so pathetic he'd have an alt account to discuss himself? if that's the case he really should kill himself.

He's no Thomas Daly that's for sure. Did he ever meet his wife from podcasting? In fact he killed his last girlfriend how do we know he's not a fag hobbit like a certain comedian.

Rumor has it that Brother Joe has him in his sights to be patched in to his biker gang.

I appreciate the bit, but speaking into a microphone is the least compelling thing he could do with it.
I am going him to promote MY podcast tho'

He's the best. He's like the Mohammed Atta of podcasters.