The Mother of All Bombs

163  2017-04-14 by BrianGilgoresDJ



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Wow. Not only did he bomb it was like the edited it to really put the attention on the zero laughs.

Also Anthony likes the number of laughs he gets like he likes his women.....He fucks tranny's

You know...if you're able to suppress your biases and do your best to listen to his set's actually really fucking terrible.

It's so bad. Almost like a female open micer wrote it.... Oh wait.

He didn't bomb, you fucking idiots, he said so himself.

what is this dumb single-shoulder shrug crutch that he's developed?

I'm a cock with no link but Gavin mciness does a spot on impression you could probably find with a quick search

He thinks he's Otto

he had a stroke but he wants to keep it private.

IIRC wasn't this the jump point to the sub turning on him because he wouldn't just take the hit and admit he bombed?

Yes, this was that precise moment, but after he threatened to doxx someone that really got people riled up. Not that we need an excuse.

It's hard to imagine how much ass licking Fred & the other fags must have done when he came home that night to convince him he was great. Especially considering the whole O&A culture is practically built on laughing at its own bombings. That is a fuck ton of denial even for ol' Cumia.

He's still funny to me dammit!

"I want to thank each and every one of ya for what you've done to your bodies, and Vinnie's daughter's."

That was one turning point. Another was him threatening to doxx some kid. Another was the fact that the average TACS show has all the humor of a cancer ward.

Ah c'mon, pediatric oncology's a hoot.

After the first joke I turned it off. Just terrible.

What makes it actually funny is the fact that he still insists "I DID NOT BOMB!"

HAHAHA. Yes, yes you did. Own it pissy eyes.

Don't worry everyone will be able to get this on deep discount

I really wasnt sure where he was going with the whole "black lives matter thing" but then he explained it!

Funny stuff, funny stuff.

Is this entire roast worth listening to? I was not aware it existed.

Thanks for the PM

If you know the presenters acts then it pretty good. If you don't know much about the NY scene then maybe not. Ant does bomb so its gold either way. Tho he would have done OK if he was hosting and doing 2 mins on all the comics and not losing his cool and resorting to racist hack bits so fast.

Nigger toes!!! Right guys?

who are you talking to

Also if he wasn't shitfaced hammered he may have been able to pull it together.

Yes, Soder and Mike Vecchione were really good.

Hey folks, just a friendly reminder that Anthony Cumia vapes.

Jesus i couldnt get pass the first couple mins. Douche chill

I always forget how awkward and uncomfortable his Pat from Moonachie-like transition blathers are. "it's uhhh... I don't know .... and uhhhhh ... myyyeeah ..."

That was uncomfortable...

Biggest laugh in whole video.

the crowd wasn't mic'd and he's not a stand up. He did pretty good for a radio guy.

Did he?

I liked the Charleston joke...

Oh stop he fucking stunk on ice.

Here's my cringeworthy call from the following day. He intro'd his show talking about gun rights so I had to call in to change the subject, even if I was a stuttering mess.

it's more cringy that he didn't think he bombed. How hard is it to at least acknowledge that this was a rough one Ant?

This is more definitely cringey than the roast.

He could not have pulled this off this year, wow this didn't age well

Lotta white people here tonight...

Is Anthony an Amy Schumer-style joke thief...?

The sad thing was, he actually did ok, except when he went to race material. It was fucking horrendous. The soder taking my seat joke was good, the vos and bonnie shit was descent. But opening up with black lives matter and nasa jokes was a TERRIBLE idea.

No the whole thing was awful and unfunny

The top youtube comment is actually perfect: "Somewhere Patrice is laughing hysterically "

'If a podcast plays in the woods, and no one is around to hear it, is it truly.......' The crickets after this were fucking great

Dude I can't even watch this I know it'll b too painful

"...Joe DeRosa looks like a drawing of an autistic chile that he makes in therapy of a guy that tries to fuck his mom... I don't even know what that means, but it's hilarious!"


this shit was pretty good tbqh

too many people butthurt over his 'racism' for the judgement to be honest. This was pretty funny.

Do you think it might be too real for them?

no, Joe Cumia's tweets and fb posts apparently are though

You get 15 seconds in and go "Oh Jesus". It's torture video the play at Guantanamo.

This is a crime against humanity. Ant needs to go on trial in The Hague.

We don't allow Americans to go on trial in The Hague sir

Whattsa matter? Too real?

This is deeply embarrassing. It belongs on that cringe sub.

It was posted to that sub several times when it first happened.

This was so bad Ding-Dong got leukemia from the radiation.

is this this "comedic genius" norton was talking about?

Rofl so mean but funny

Where are the people who thought Anthony could have a good career in standup?

To be fair, he wasn't the worse. Bonnie is usually pretty good, but she bombed hard and long.

Anth's shtick only worked on the O&A show, outside of it he's an embarrassment.

The Engima Machine bombe is my fav, every time. He doesn't set it up as a translation joke, he stumbles through the punchline, then he fucking panics trying to explain, and get defensive and aggressive towards the crowd.

FIFTY DOLLARS on a bottle of wine?! Holy white trash! That is not a lot for a bottle... at all..

Didn't think it was really that bad; the Dan Soder filling my seat joke was funny.

who are you talking to