Reminder: You are all pathetic cock lovers

0  2017-04-13 by fecesinyourvagina


Yes, the reminder that you are all complete and utter faggaroids butt fucking each other in a daisy chain.

Today's lame and fucking tired memes

  1. Sam bashing

  2. Hating everyone associated with a dead show

  3. Anthony's fucking trannies and niece

  4. Opie's raising Bam's kids

  5. "downvoting" the truch about yourselves.

Seriously, you all going to die, why wait?? Kill yourself and get it over with. Your family and friends will thanks you.

Honestly, fuck every single one of you straight to hell.

Now commence the tired, hack shitposting.


fucking cock gobblers.

I take offense to this, I am not pathetic!!

I'm more desperate and degenerate with my cock sucking.

We heard you already, ya unoriginal fag.

Before we didnt take you seriously but this one really hurts. This place will never truly heal. You did it Joe.

She told you "no" again huh?

Reminder: you've made multiple posts in a 24 hour period. It's like you're trying to express yourself but you keep getting it wrong so you keep coming back. From The Book of Sperg: Symptom #3. Seeming Emotional Incapacity

It is commonly observed that people with Asperger’s Syndrome do not seem emotionally accessible. They come across as insensitive and uncaring to the needs/troubles of others. Often, this is due to the fact that they are unable to provide socially appropriate responses when interacting with others. Moreover, their style of speech is unable to convey what truly underlies their outward deadpan demeanour.

That's just rude

You really shouldn't say those things. The truth is very hurtful to us.

Oh good. Another of these posts.

Your family and friends will thanks you.

Put on your laughing hats, gentlemens! Sometimes the "truch" is funny!!!

People who use strikethrough text are faggots. Just say what you mean, stupid.

why not ball-around text fawk yeah

Take your meds, you rambling retard.

Uh oh, sounds like stepdad came into someone's room again.