Gere hasn't been near a more desperate whore since Pretty Woman

23  2017-04-13 by unclepaul84


does Jimbo have hep-c? he's yellow.

Oh no, all those years of alcohol abuse has ruined his liver, poor jaundiced lil fella.

All those weeks of wine coolers 35 years ago have finally taken their toll.

All I can think of is gerbils when I see this man.

You have to imagine he can tell which people are like that by now. It must be hell. Ah well, can't win them all.

Oh no, I was talking about Norton.

Someone please tweet him and tell him no one gives a shit.

The gerbil finally escaped

This would be an apt caption.

jims obsession with celeb pics in enraging. just chill the fuck out, have your 8th beer in your life and stop being such a douche. why do i even come here. only one i can tolerate anymore is opie, lol.

Paid for by Viral Spiral.

Officer and a half-man.

Total accident. Dude thought Jim was the Dalai Lama from across the room.

With blue shirt? What the fuck is this faggot doing? Does he think people will confuse him with Gere? FUCK RICHARD NORTON.

Nice hair desu

"I got nowhere else to go!"

hasn't been more desperate since a gerbil was scratching his colon