What's up with Stanley?

5  2017-04-13 by The-Lunger

Just listened to the first 2 minutes of Jim's friend, is it worth listening to the rest? He seems a bit off.


He's a meat head who hung around with thirteen year old Jim when he was 25. Off? He's a creep.

He just sounds like he's 90 not 60 or punch drunk. I didn't want to spend half hour on a guy struggling through stories that were funnier when Jimmy told them. The segment before it was ponderous.

I had a 25 year old friend in high school who would get us cigarettes, liquor, and pot. I was14 or 15 and he was dating somebody in my class. We would stay over and party all night and you could hear his toddlers in the only other room playing old Nintendo games.

He was fucking awesome when I was a kid but now I just wonder if he would molest me or take pictures of my dick while I was asleep.

We hung out with this 24 year old when we were 16 cuz he was pretty funny and bought us beer, and one time he invited this hot chick over to his place. He ended up passing out and pissing on himself in his parents living room and we told everybody. A few days later he saw us and was like "man, that's messed up that you guys told everyone, I wouldn't do that to yall." My friend felt bad but I just laughed, cuz yeah he fucking would've. He was the exact type of person who would never let you live something like that down. He stopped coming around as much after that, I think he was embarrassed. Thankfully we convinced my friends mom to buy us beer after that.

He may have seemed awesome then but I'm assuming you realize he was a piece of shit especially if the had toddlers or any little kids there. That's ghetto behavior to be polite.

Unless he was retarded he did things to your doodyhole that you mentally blocked out.

Nigga you got drugs and beer. Stop complaining about being molested. It's more than a fair deal

How many times did lil jimmy gobble his prick?

"Hey Stanley, let's to back and throw hot oil on 'em."

He hilarious keeps making "rick" type burp noises from rick and morty between sentences. No idea what it is.

He's painful to listen to, but his documentary was entertaining. Watching it makes you realize that your life could be much worse & makes you feel infinitely better about the life choices you've made compared to his.

Where can someone download it?