Bitch Burr Goes After MGTOW

9  2017-04-13 by FlashVirus

Original video:


Even going as far as to brag about his role as a housewife, by cleaning and doing a number of chores after getting home from work. Nia can be heard in the background cheering him on. Oh Bill, what happened to you?


God DAMN that's depressing.

If men were truly going their own way, they wouldn't feel the need to constantly post about it on social media like a bunch of narcissistic queens.

Anyone who associates with the MGTOW movement should take a bath with their toaster.


Don't lump me in with those fruity pebbles.

Sitting in the corner jerking off won't changing anything, though.

MGTOW sounds like the faggy version of the Proud BoyzTM

I can't tell if it's a conspiracy to try to hasten the decline in birthdates in first world nations by convincing young men that girls are icky, or if it's just a bunch of very sincere losers who have never touched a boob.

It's inverted feminism. Sexless, neurotic incels broadcasting their discontent with the opposite sex to try and guilt-trip them into fucking them.

MGTOW really rivals Proud Boys with the depth of faggotry those groups swim in.

If they were really such amazing rugged individualists like they claim, they wouldn't feel the need to post about it or bitch about women at the same frequency Anthony bitches about blacks.

Anon sums up this pathetic group quite perfectly. Fuck them.

Whew. Way to post an obvious troll post. So the argument is "you're ugly and that's why you hate women so you should kill yourself." This is bait, friend.


He's a multi-millionaire with his own TV show, sold-out theaters, and a family he very clearly loves.

He doesn't identify with some lonely keyboard warrior who doesn't know what a clitoris is. Give it up. He isn't your hero. And Nia isn't in it at all, drama queen.

Hahahahahahaha listening 15 seconds of that response video where the dude was yelling was gold. It's kind of easy to fathom why he "went his own way".

He had to keep mentioning that she was black but it wasn't a problem.

Wait, I didn't even watch the response video but Bill spent less than ten minutes and the response is OVER FORTY MINUTES?

My God.

You would imagine he had more important things to do, like painting warhammer models or embroidering custom fedoras. You know, hobbies that aren't related to women, however black they may be.

Of course. I thought MGTOWs needed more time for their amazing lifestyles and careers, for they are the future, the incredible talented geniuses that women have not yet tainted.

You feel right into the pussy trap. For even when you are trying to avoid women, they are somehow the cause of all your problems in life.

Few acknowledge it, but women have a 7th sense that allows them to know when a man is breaking himself away from the ideological construct created by the female Cabal. At that point, they use occult magic to derail the unfortunate young mans life. Leading him to a path of hopeless wandering and despair.

Exactly. That hopeless wandering leads him to a path of lonelieness that is only lined with fearless YouTube comments, avi-less Twitter accounts, and the bravery that only comes from branding an attractive woman who will never entertain him a "fat cunt". Only then will he receive his accolades in the MGTOW army, and finally have enough clout to record a video because his whole belief system about women is regarded as "silly" by an internationally famous comedian. His rage is likely fueled by bags of Funyuns and cans of Diet Dr. Thunder.

As a redneck, don't insult Dr. Thunder

As a native Southerner, I reserve my right to use it as a comedic reference. It's funnier than Dr. Pepper.

You get a pass. Dr. Thunder is a national treasure either way.

Thats 40+ minutes of badly processed audio ranting about 7 minutes of half-engaged rambling with 5000+ views in less than a day and a top comment that reads: "Bill Burr is a pussyfied beta cuck now" left by someone with the handle "Prince Vegeta." MGTOW is what happens when you combine nofap and incels.

What an insult to Vegeta. Nigga was 4'9" and still fucked a 10/10 multi billionaire scientific genius.

I really turned a corner on Bill. I used to be "all in" with the guy as the Opester would say, but somewhere along the way I just tapped. Maybe it's that he's over exposed or something, I don't know. I'd love to see him do a 20 minute spot at the Store or something, anything further than that I lose interest in him these days. Weird.

"You betrayed us you son of a bitch." Haha holy shit. Good delivery.

Something tells me Burr would have been a different man if Patrice had not died.

we all would be

I'm not listening to 40 minutes of that "man's" response, you fag.

I'm almost 24, never had a girlfriend and Jack off to anime girls occasionally and even I think the MGTOW movement is gay as fuck.

Nothing is fucking weirder than people getting together to talk about something they aren't gonna do. It fucking AA for pussy basically.

I respect that.

You know you can just go on Craigslist and fuck an ugly stranger any time, right?

He had to keep mentioning that she was black but it wasn't a problem.

As a native Southerner, I reserve my right to use it as a comedic reference. It's funnier than Dr. Pepper.