So whats wrong with Jess?

4  2017-04-13 by pta11

She actually not only was fucking one of the grosest human beings alive but ended up marrying and having a kid with him.Not only is he physically disgusting but he is cheap and also still watches wrestling.They probably see those couples who go out and party and do coke as weirdos while sam sleeps in the same bed as his mom.Btw she is average at best she only looks good next to sam but an ape with stage 4 cancer looks like katty perry next to sAM



She probably just hit 30 and lost all faculty of reason that would lead an otherwise sane being to realize she shouldn't procreate with a simian man-child just because evolutionary urges tell her to.

She, like him, is turned on by oiled up muscular men. She's hoping to follow the O&A tradition of cucking the radio "star" by sleeping with superior men. Even opie has one kid that is possibly his own. Give it a few years and we'll be making fun of him for raising a wrestlers kid.

And what are you doing in your life that's so good?

Oh you know, mostly just posting about how "redditards" are losers and stuff.

hey sam

You got that right! It's not like Sam drops an N bomb every other sentence and forces kids to spit in his mouth.

Sorry we're not busy harvesting child spit like you. You have saggy breasts.