Sam's doing this on purpose

24  2017-04-13 by porsalin

Heresh thuh deeeeal. Sam Roberts was given one hell of an opportunity by Opie in presenting his own show. With no audience, no expectations and no pressure he turned his show into the place to be for WWE chat. He grew a small but niche audience there and given it was a once-a-week nobody cares slot, it didn't really impact or affect the O&A base.

Fast forward to September. He is given Opie's slot doing mornings with Jim Norton. Filling the same slot Opie and Anthony had not long before him, he now had a huge and loyal O&A fanbase to entertain. Knowing O&A will fundamentally be remembered as a celler-crowd style comedy radio show filled with comedians and comic talk, Sam realised he didn't fit in. He's not funny unless being laughed at and most comedians probably don't respect him or value him as a radio personality. Most see him as a snot nosed intern who somehow unfairly occupies O&A's seat. The fans gave him a chance but quickly turned on him, realising he's terrible on the air.

So to remedy this, Sam has been actively changing the show to fit the format of The Sam Roberts Show. He was fairly popular with his small audience there given they were fellow WWE faggots. Sam says he's 'growing' the show but in reality he's simply changing the format to suit him - at the expense of the O&A legacy and of funny, comedian-driven radio. Sam is not interested in comedian talk. When comics come in, Sam's usually very quiet because he's not funny or quick and can't chime in. He has some weight with the WWE now and will do anything to turn the show into The Sam Roberts Show (with Jim)

Fuck wrestlers. Fuck Sam.


Jeeze. If you love Sam so much, why don't you marry him?

I agree. He's ambitious in his own way, but it's clear that he's never been a fan of comedy. For most of his time with O&A he was a shit stirrer in the Opie mold. He'd rather get laughs out of awkwardness than something genuine.

This is a point way overlooked. Sam never found O and A style humor funny. He would always laugh at the weirdest shit like setups to somebody being piled on

I remember one show, maybe one of the really classic Colin episodes, where they noticed sam wasn't smiling or laughing at all and everyone called him a sociopath

It was when they were doing jokes about a movie, like Jaws or The Godfather or some shit. Sam wasnt laughing at all and they made fun of him

He's a fuckin weasel and those types of company-men suckasses usually end up becoming "successful" if they have a modicum of ambition to make up for a complete dearth of talent. They get into management positions in every single field of industry and the apathy and mediocrity created by their very presence and authority are like termites eating away at the soul of an organization and everyone involved in it.

He's millennial Opster.

Ooh I sense a real world experience as basis for this opinion. Tell us your middle management story fella.

I have plenty. Businesses are run on apathy and mediocrity, that's what they want. They don't want people who think for themselves and have dynamic visions as to how a company should operate. Those people are always marginalized and written up so they'll get back to toe the company line. I used to work in hotels and a job would be cool for about six months and inevitably they'd change management and it would be some young striver who'd clawed his way up the ranks by sucking ass and stabbing backs. The upper brass liked him cause he'd play by the rules, even if it ran counter to what they ostensibly wanted which was "quality customer service". All the employees who did a fine job would quit or get fired for saying "no problem" instead of "my pleasure". Shit like that. And then the new guy in charge would hire a bunch of automatons who lived and died by the company motto. This is not just in hospitality, it's everywhere. I'm sure many of us have seen something like this play out in their own field.

Back when I was an intern in an advertising agency in New York, I gave a suggestion during a meeting with all the managers that ran somewhat counter to what a female senior management striver said and although everyone agreed it was a better suggestion than hers was, it hurt her little ego and she had it out for me for the rest of my internship. I was going to get hired by a separate ad team following my internship but she sabotaged that by actually firing me for reasons I still don't know to this very day. For years, I sent her a Christmas card every year as a passive-aggressive fuck you. Took me a long time to get over that resentment. All because I had a good idea that was better than the boss'. That's how it is out there. The most successful are always the ones who play ball no matter what.

Sam is still a person you know? A person with feelings..

Sam Roberts is the second coming of Opie. I vote we kill him.

So let me ask everyone on here a question: Is it time to ruin Sam's life like we did Opie?

I vote yes on proposition cro-mag

the wheels of justice are slow but they are turning!

He's playing to his strengths and interests. That's not a conspiracy. It's not even bad, you just don't like it.

I get what you're doing with the whole contrarian shit but I'll answer you anyway.

Nobody's calling this a conspiracy. You're right - I don't like it. But judging by the reaction here most others don't like it neither. True, he's entitled to do whatever show he wants to. I could give a fuck. But he's taking Jimmy down with him and Jimmy's too old/apathetic/closeted to do anything about it. Fans of Jim's know the environment he thrives in and The Sam Roberts Show isn't it. The odd occasion a fellow cellar-crowd style comic comes on it's great radio. Fans of that just want more of it and don't really want to have to wade through wrestlers to get there.

You can't not throw blame on Jimmy too though. If you've heard that call where he defends boring interviews/radio because he finds it personally interesting...

I'm not being contrarian. I think I have a reasonable opinion. I thought you might be thinking conspiratorially because what you said reminded me of Opie trying to stack the deck against Jim when they were working together, apologies.

I think Sam and Jim work really well together. I don't enjoy MMA or WWE at all, but a lot of fans who don't come here do, and it's generally not a giant chunk of time.

I agree that they should put more effort into getting cellar-crowd style comics, but that's probably not an easy thing to do. Those comics want to be known for their own careers, not for being part of the O and A universe, and they're busy with other stuff I guess. Except for Vos and he's getting paid by Opie most likely.

They've been having younger and different comedians on, but generally the chemistree doesn't come close to cellar-crowd stuff.

This isn't fucking rocket science. I don't know how these rambling nonsense posts aren't getting trashed, they all say the same thing and miss the point completely.

We all thought that when it became Jim and Sam, it was just that in name but the "spirit" of O&A would sort of be the backbone of the show. It's not, and we're all just realizing now:

It's literally the Jim Norton and Sam Roberts Show. What would Jim do if he had his own show? Be lazy, bring on UFC fighters and porn stars. And Sam? WWE guys. What did you expect?

Sams end game is not to be doing radio. He wants to work for the WWE and is using his radio show to get there.

Our only resort here is the long play. We make up horrible stuff about him and repeat it so much that it makes Sam toxic to wwe regardless if it's true. Kinda like the brojoe shit minus the racist footnmouth social media posts. Holocaust stuff is a good start.

Our only resort here is the long play. We make up horrible stuff about him and repeat it so much that it makes Sam toxic to wwe regardless if it's true. Kinda like the brojoe shit minus the racist footnmouth social media posts. Holocaust stuff is a good start.

Why do that?.. Surely getting rid of same to the WWE is bet for everybody

You fags couldn't have been happier when Sam & Jim got together. Dummies were coming up with titles for the show, some real faggot shit. Now look at ya.

The thing is, its not impossible to LEARN to be funny. Anthony gained his humour and wit by trying to keep up with Jim and the guys he brought in. He worked at it until he was as quick as them. He understood that THAT is what made the show good and strived to be that.

Sam, like Opie before him, sees it as a threat to his credibility if he attempts to be funny and fails. His solution? Cram the show with terrible celeb interviews so there's no possible way he will actually need to PRODUCE CONTENT.


Ill tell ya that Kevin Pollak fella sure takes a shine to ol' Smamy Boy...

The whole D-bag thing is shit as well. It's forced nonsense and D-bag Stinks. Sam's a tee total wrestling loving, chicken finger eating faggot.. He has no right to take the piss out of anyone.

I have plenty. Businesses are run on apathy and mediocrity, that's what they want. They don't want people who think for themselves and have dynamic visions as to how a company should operate. Those people are always marginalized and written up so they'll get back to toe the company line. I used to work in hotels and a job would be cool for about six months and inevitably they'd change management and it would be some young striver who'd clawed his way up the ranks by sucking ass and stabbing backs. The upper brass liked him cause he'd play by the rules, even if it ran counter to what they ostensibly wanted which was "quality customer service". All the employees who did a fine job would quit or get fired for saying "no problem" instead of "my pleasure". Shit like that. And then the new guy in charge would hire a bunch of automatons who lived and died by the company motto. This is not just in hospitality, it's everywhere. I'm sure many of us have seen something like this play out in their own field.

Back when I was an intern in an advertising agency in New York, I gave a suggestion during a meeting with all the managers that ran somewhat counter to what a female senior management striver said and although everyone agreed it was a better suggestion than hers was, it hurt her little ego and she had it out for me for the rest of my internship. I was going to get hired by a separate ad team following my internship but she sabotaged that by actually firing me for reasons I still don't know to this very day. For years, I sent her a Christmas card every year as a passive-aggressive fuck you. Took me a long time to get over that resentment. All because I had a good idea that was better than the boss'. That's how it is out there. The most successful are always the ones who play ball no matter what.