What's this subs expert take on the north Korea situation?

5  2017-04-13 by redtheftauto

there hasn't been much talk about it on Jim and Sam so I don't know how to feel about it yet but more than likely "Kim Jung Un is a fuckin scuummmmbag"

Every faggot on reddit thinks ww3 is going to happen, but hopefully the geopolitical experts here can set my civilian mind at ease


The autists on 4chan predicted with 100% certainty that America would launch missiles against North Korea last night at 9.45pm... I think capturing Shias flag has gone to their heads

if nothing happens on april 15, then nothing will ever happen

Buncha uppity chinks, that's all I know.

Lunchpail jobsite?

He really has a bombable face. He's also completely cornered. It looks like China is going to go along with cutting off supplies and we have access to South Korea. He talks so much shit because he knows he's fucked. Worst case scenario he launches something that can't reach us and then we own North Korea 5 minutes later. Then we'll hand it over to China if they knock a trillion off our debt.

He can nuke south kore easily

Yea, what did i say?

You said Us, dont forget we have military bases there so it is Us

I meant my house.

Well then you are more than likely correct.

Me living near NYC feels some relief that if the mainland gets hit it will be LA.

We should be so lucky

What? They're are strongest ally in Asia, next to Japan

So Japan gets hit, then North Korea is wiped off the map. We wouldn't even have to retaliate with nukes to do it. Japan knows the drill, they'll bounce back.

Nothing will happen. The Korean ceasefire will not be broken. They have nuclear weapons and only a fool would risk a nuclear attack on their country.

Even if Trump were that Crazy Mattis would step in.

It's all a bunch of posturing.

Yep, this literally happens every April. The only way North Korea goes down at this point is starvation/internal coup. SK wants no part of a war with NK just because NK has over 10k artillery pieces pointed at Seoul. NK would lose fast but Seoul would look like Aleppo.

This Kim Jong Un fella seems like a real jerk!

It's making for some good TV.

Who exactly would be fighting this WW3? Everyone vs N Korea? They have no allies. There may be some bombs in Pyongyang and people will whine about the children and foreign wars. South Korea might take a hit. Sanctions. Whinging. UN soldiers molesting children. The usual.

UN soldiers molesting children.

Tweet that to Anthony and he'll sign right up.

Officially and materially their only ally is China.

We're going to go in there and slaughter those yellow skinned dinks and do an Iwo Jima like raising of the stars and stripes in the ass of that fat faggot Kim Jong Un.

Fuck yes. These orientals only understand one thing: napalm.

nips n napalm amirite

Nothing will ever happen because nothing cool ever happens.

My best bet is Trump unleashed 'coherent sanctions' upon the North, i.e. banning pretty much any import to NK (even basic things like oil) and doing an indirect embargo on the North by refusing to do business with any business that deals with the communist regime. Chinese banks, industries, and trade companies will take a major hit if they continue doing business with the regime. The same method was applied years ago to make Iran hault any sort of nuclear program, however in the North's case it could totally cripple the country as something like half of its economy depends upon Chinese markets.

Well, they are starving to death, and in the past they've threatened WW3 to get food. Going on that, you'd assume it was more of the same.

However, I think the Chinese will kill this bug this time around to keep their US trade going.