
24  2017-04-12 by [deleted]



I can honestly say I have not listened to a single Opie show. But I grudgingly give him credit for at least attempting to give the fan base what it wants. It may be an abject failure or I may be completely wrong since I've never listened but it seems like he puts guys in a room to hang out and laugh with. It ain't rocket science.

Who cares if those fools are laughing in the studio if they aren't saying any thing funny.

Sherrod gets confronted for being bad at radio (warning audio quality is not great) http://vocaroo.com/i/s0N0F0ckdFo5

What show was that?

Source please?

It was a simulcast of Race Wars and Red Bar. The clip starts around 2:13:25 https://redbarradio.net/shows/s14e19

OK that was actually pretty good.

I think if everyone on this sub heard Mike call Sherrod a nigger he might get a pass for his jeans.

I hate Sherrod so fucking much, ten times more than anyone else in the OnA universe.

That cause your lacist.

The comment got 6 likes. What the fuck, man?

I bet Vic Henley wears a diaper

You know what, you're right....In fact, I have it on good authority that Vic Henley goes to the Boy's Underwear section of department stores and masturbates (to completion) whilst glaring at the packages of models. So, yes, Giuseppe...Vic Henley& diapers.

I'll have to actually agree with them. Opie has the hang vibe down with minimal intrusion or tension. It's still not funny though.

Sam and Jim are doing some wrestling show up that's completely different from O&A days.

the dream team

I cant get over how Opie had the studio redesigned so that guests are arrayed in front of him like he's holding court. He's such a fucking sick narcissist.

I honestly forgot Opie had a show.