Tig Notaro Claims Louis CK Stole Her Breasts

27  2017-04-12 by OochyWally


Tig tittless first goes after Norm; now Louis. Good luck in the business. She gave her career cancer.

HA! "she"... lol.

She also called Big Amy out on pretending to be friends with her to look "cool". And nobody can criticize Big Amy.

also her breasts

Louis has transitioned from masturbating in front of women comics to stealing the shitty short film ideas of twinkish boys. Truly a renaissance man.

She has classic lesbian mouth.

I swear to god, in the last five years comedians have gone from being funny people to being "Socially Concious Behavior Police"

I read more about comedians policing what other people do this days, rather than just being fucking funny

it's like everybody wants to be george carlin. but they're totally neglecting carlin's golden rule that once a comedian took a side, he stops being a comedian

At least people like Carlin or CK just say how they feel and move the fuck on, these new SJW Fag comics want to literally SILENCE you and if they can't do that, they'll get you fired or ruin your reputation another way.

And it's the whining that gets to me, I miss the old O&A days when comics would say, "Go fuck your mothers cunt you shithead" whenever they had an argument, now comedy feels like one giant, lame as fuck college campus where everyone has to be nice all the fucking time

it's almost equivalent to the 80s when comedy was going through the dark ages. instead of comedy being diluted with hacks, it's now diluted with shills (who are also hacks)

also, gotta give you props for the death grips username. i travelled two hours to see live them because they never play LA. it was the best show i've ever seen.

Exactly, it's all agenda driven horseshit these days.

Also, that's dope as fuck dude, a DG show in LA sounds fucking killer

None of this shit really has anything to do with the article that was posted.

There's a reason the left idolizes Islam.

You left out Bill Hicks

Bunch of politicking sneaks.

You aren't wrong but did you read the article? She says whoever wrote the sketch stole it from her. It has nothing to do with policing anyone's behavior.

Nah you're right I just took the opportunity to whine about shit I don't like because that's what I do here

Try reading the article before commenting. What does your rambling have to do with this subject?

Who the fuck are you and why are you here? To defend hack comics? Traipse off to your normal subs, faggot.

What the hell are you guys going on about? Have any of you all actually read the article? Louis CK did a sketch on SNL that pretty much had the exact same premise as a short film done by Tig, even containing many of the same exact jokes. People noticed this and asked Tig about it and she said it was disappointing. Really not much more than that. Where is all this SJW shit coming from? You fags are way too fucking eager to go off with your typical boring outrage.

he doesnt even write the sketches lmao

Classic homophobia, cis scum

No one would have known who she wasn if louie didnt mass spam his email telling everyone to buy her album off his website becuase she's dying.

I hope everyone acknowledges that they stole it and nobody cares and she burned these bridges for nothing.

I'm saddened by this news and I hope Tig tits grow back.

That shit is accepted into film festivals?

Straight guilt

"Oh boy, I'm screwed." -LcK

ew.com indeed.


Didn't she lop her tits off and fake having cancer?


“You know where ‘nigger’ came from? Originally? There was some black guy bein’ a nigger. So they called him a nigger. He was being a real nigger, so they said, ‘What a nigger!’ And that’s where it started… Just a guy who was being such a nigger that it fuckin’ made someone say the word.” - Louis C.K.

No, Tig Notaro said that, not Louie.

I kinda like her now

Up until 30 seconds ago, I thought Tig Notaro was some male Asian comedian. I had never seen a picture or heard she/he/its comedy. Dat Phan is a guy, though, right?

Worthless fucking Dyke

Linus should just stick to his YouTube channel.

This is what happens when doctors undo gods good works.

Does anyone give a fuck what Tig Notalent says? She's just jealous that Louis has tits, and she doesn't.

Patch Adams fucking sucked, why would Tig steal it?

If it hadn't been for Louis publishing her cancer performance from 2012, no one would know who Tig is. Just like the first 25 years of her mediocre career as a C level comic.

Does C stand for cunt in this context?

More like Nigger Taro huh gang

worthless no titty bitch

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 69%. (I'm a bot)

Tig Notaro is speaking out about Louis C.K.'s Saturday Night Live short "Birthday Clown," which has been criticized for bearing a strong resemblance to Notaro's short film Clown Service.

In a statement provided exclusively to EW, Notaro says she found the sketch "Extremely disappointing." Notaro claims she learned that a "Writer/director," who she says was fully aware of Clown Service, also worked on the C.K. short.

Both "Birthday Clown" and Clown Service focus on depressed characters ordering a clown to their house to cheer them up.

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I watched both and there aren't any similar jokes but the premise of a clown doing a show for an adult are the same. Tig now gets more attention so it's not like it hurts her career unless it makes part of the industry hate her.