Sam Harris on why he doesn't criticize Israel

3  2017-04-12 by TangerineReam



If the answer isn't "because I'm a kike." he's lying.

Man, a sixteen minute video where he will expertly pin everything that happens to Israel to be about the Muslim criminals. I am not going to listen to him verbally twist himself around to make it into anything other than him being a jew.

Ugh Neocon...... Ugh........ Globalist........ Ugh....... (((Atheist )))

Unbelievable. Israel is excused from their gruesome behavior because they have become "brutalized" by dealing with those dirty Muslims(who are under occupation after having their homeland STOLEN.) BTW, his thought experiment was fundamentally flawed, Israel CANNOT do "whatever they like", they have the eyes of international community keeping an eye on them.

Are you ok?

Well, he basically led with "I don't think Israel should exist as a Jewish state." This is an exact quote.

Aside from the fact that he didn't really address the building of settlements (which is clearly not a defensive act), I thought it was a fairly well-reasoned take on a complicated situation.