I don't know why this makes me so fucking angry but it does

9  2017-04-12 by Dennyislife


The framing and lighting of the photo are good. Our eyes are guided along each of the three doofuses.

O&A pictures were loaded with water, food, coffee, and melk. It looks like these faggots have to make a can of soda last 3 hours.

They are either faking their joy or they are genuinely the most easily stimulated people on the planet. If it's the latter, Opie deserves a reward for finding them.

It's probably the fact that 4 people that are tremendously unfunny conversationally think they should talk for hours on a radio show everyday. It really is a cavalcade of noises and this picture seem to be mid noise.

His faggity ass Twitter profile pic lets everyone know it's all about him. A fifty something year old who loves taking selfies of him and his crew.