What are some other autistic treasure troves like r/short and r/incels?

11  2017-04-12 by Crownenberg

Yes I realize the irony of asking this question here.


Wow r/incels is sad

Fucking fantastic, isn't it?

My god, Im suicidal now

What the hell does incels stand for anyways. All the posts in there just are really depressing

Involuntarily celibate

It's basically a bunch of self-absorbed losers who let their lack of success with women give them a shitty attitude while their personalities were still in the formative years. and now they continue to not get laid because being bitter fucks has become their identity. It's better than anything on TV right now. They talk about suicide constantly (Key word there is "talk", everyone I knew who was serious about offing themselves just did it, no one ever sees it coming)

That shit is toxic. They've created a community where everyone is a loser so they feel comfortable in that community. Meanwhile they keep reinforcing the idea that they're losers which just keeps them from changing.

And if you gain self esteem and break off, you were a faker and a traitor and were never one of them, reinforcing that it's a "bad thing" to ever improve your life. It's not just about relating to other losers, it's bullying the other losers so they stay down at your level. It's why I take no pity on them, they're garbage people.

Not just that, but they used to have a note in the sidebar that said that since they weren't making a choice not to have sex, and that sex is a human right, that rape was considered OK for them. I wish I had a screenshot of it, the delusional way that it was worded was creepy as fuck.

Just an hour of lurking, and I'm not surprised. The level of hatred towards women there should qualify you for a watch list.

Those guys sute are wound a little tight, they just need to get laid if you ask me

That depression reddit is brutal and just filled with shitty, enabling advice.

Lifes not a disney movie, cunt

Exactly. That's why there's no reason to be depressed. Life is shit for everyone.

Exactly, which is why enabling depression and not challenging people's irrational thoughts is how people end up offing themselves.


i hope you die

I had to bail on the depression sub, that place is soul witheringly awful.

Can someone put Joe Cumia on r/amiugly

Hunter_Cumia's posting history.


I wonder how many times people have posted the Randy Newman song- short people?

They really are toxic wastelands. If you are depressed and hate your life do not hang around other people who are depressed and hate their life unless you are trying to improve yourselves together.

Also we aren't neccesarily as bad as them with their self pity - the main emotions in this sub are hate and disgust. Plus we have humor too.

Well, narcascists aren't a big fan of anyone that might expand the scope of their narrow thinking. A collections of people only thinking about themselves isn't going to convince each other to stop being so self-absorbed. They choose the,company they do deliberately, it's an active effort to not have to change what their repugnant attitudes.

The worst sub ever was r/truecels. It's since been quarantined but it was basically the incels sub for people who felt like the r/incels crowd was full of fakers. They had a picture of Elliot Rodger in their banner for awhile.

I was only aware of it because u/AutisticSubhuman was one of the mods, and he occasionally commented here.

Where's our boy /u/andiswearrrr in this conversation?

r/foreveralone is a good one too.

Well, narcascists aren't a big fan of anyone that might expand the scope of their narrow thinking. A collections of people only thinking about themselves isn't going to convince each other to stop being so self-absorbed. They choose the,company they do deliberately, it's an active effort to not have to change what their repugnant attitudes.