"Are nuclear weapons chemical weapons" Sam is yet another poorly educated African American

79  2017-04-12 by Dennyislife


Grown man who buys wrestling dolls thinks 3 million Jews died in the Holocaust.

Sammy '3 million more' Roberts

Move over, Joe DeRosa!

For a Few Mazels More

The holocaust is no laughing matter, sir. 30,000 Jews lost their lives.

Hyperbole doesn't suit you.

Dude! Get PC. The preferred term is 'globalists'.

Isn't that kind of accurate? The 6 million was jews, Russians, gypsies, and any other undesirable people.

12 million total, you dunce, 6 million Jews. It's like the highscore for the world's pinball, memorize it.

Didn't Stalin kill like 60 million

I always made fun of a Polish guy who I was buds with for being a Jew. He clarified that he hates Stalin for having his bourgeois intellectual grandparents killed but he's fine with Hitler. They really dig the nazis in Poland apparently, he saw a twenty-something guy in the centre of Warsaw wearing a shirt that said: "Hipster Jügend" (get it) and nobody cared.

Yeah Opie is a poor broadcaster who has fat tits

I was pretending to not know

Oh, ok then.

yoRE bitZ Arrr gUUddde. aaPREL FalLs!

I could never understand why the jews were so upset, they got a nice train ride ride and fancy spa-treatment... The Poles and Slavik people were just machine gunned down in the street and kicked into ditches. Fuckin Jews, always expecting special treatment and they still complain!

I know right? And boy do they hold a grudge... if you don't pay em enough sympathy, they go around pushing over their ancestor's grave stones to get us to pay attention again!

The crazy thing is he is a jew. You can never forget if you never learn.

Please tell me Jim responded appropriately.

Yes, he brought the show to a stop to acknowledge the stupidity

appropriately would be telling him to go kick bricks

Yes! He quickly expressed his desire to go to break so he could "tinkle."

Dummy also thinks "almost three million Jews died" in the Holocaust and then adamantly calmed it was "2.87 million" Sam Roberts is apparently a Holocaust denier who rejects the idea that six million Jews died in the Holocaust.

So you're saying he's not all bad?

well ... lets stick to this nuclear weapons vs chemical weapons dilemma.

It would be hilarious if he was fired and black listed over that. His whole shitty career over just as it's getting started, years of eating shit and waking up at 3 am for nothing, labelled an anti semite, all because he's fucking stupid.

anyone got that email address for 'The Anti Semite Awareness Committee'


Do you mean every single media and news company in the world?

Someone should let Ben @SXMHelp know about this offensive content.

Is there anything less funny than Sam trying to do a back and forth with himself trying to make jokes? He has never successfully carried out this hack comedy bit.

Sam is a very delusional man who believes that he is funny. Every time that Sam makes a "joke" the only person laughing is Sam Roberts.

I like when he's trying to work through some thought that he thinks could possibly be made funny, and he slows down his speech and kind of softly laugh-breathes in the middle of his sentences so he can try to think of something to say, and then no one else laughs.

Sam has only ever worked comedy-wise as the straight man who was unflappable to Opie and Anthony's insults. The moment he tried being the funny goofy guy for Jim & Sam it showed he really doesn't understand his place in the show.

That classic bit where they are talking about Jess going to Brazil is a perfect example. They're talking about his fiance taking dark uncut cock and he's playing a naive good-sport. That is Sam being funny, when he is the butt of the joke. It doesnt work when he tries to pick on the staff

His voice prevents him from ever playing a convincing bully on radio, and his body prevents him from ever doing tv.

I disaglee. Having bad bodies nevel stopped Anth' or Jim Nolton flom doing a tv.

Incredible perseverance. A lesser man would have given this up weeks ago.

Don't give in to your hate. He's trying to become this subs genuine version of chip. It didn't work when his shtick was posting exclusively via emoticons because they're just fun and endearing. When people stopped giving a fuck about his smiley posts he retreated back to his mental asylum for 6 months, never to be seen again. Then all of a sudden he manifests himself like a chipperson version Sauron who's physical form can only be maintained by the annoyance of strangers. This time he is determined. This time he will not be forgotten. He thinks this chink character is beyond being able to ignore it, but we have to be strong. If we can ignore him its very likely that he will dissappear from the planet altogether, and those children's souls which he twists and torments can finally be at peace.

I see this more as a dragonball z type arrangement where knickers is cycling through various incarnations until he finds his true form.

You are Knickers, aren't you?

They should find some way to harvest to molten hot surface of Mars as a weapon.

If only Kurt Angle died in a gas attack. Then Sam would be a leading expert.

That would be a wrestling promo I'd actually watch. John Cena threatening to chlorine bomb Kurt Angles house.

"I may be stupid but aren't nuclear weapons chemical weapons?"

No, they aren't stupid. Stupid stupid stupid Sam.

Isn't Mars like hot because its like red?

Chicken always tastes better in nugget form on a John Cena tray.

You quote that as if it's inaccurate

Listening to Jim and Sam talk about Syria is enraging. I can understand Jim's ignorance to a point, but Sam tries too hard to sound educated about international politics. No one is tuning in to hear what two dullards have to say about Syria.

Yeah. His dissertation on pizzagate the other day made me change the channel. He literally regurgitates what he sees on Fox news. I also watch Fox over the left leaning outlets, and everything thing Sam says lines up with what the night time, opinion based Fox shows have to say. This dissatisfaction with his role on the show is only going to grow if he continues to maintain his attitude that he is the all knowing last genuine broadcaster or whatever the fuck his schtick is... he really does stink.

And it's not even that he's lazy, because watching TV and repeating the filtered spun bullshit they broadcast is pure stupidity. He actually thinks he has a direct line to what's happening in the world because he sat down and watched Fox for 30 minutes. He must think it's like a secret source of raw material for geopolitical news and views. Fucking retard.

Sam "Spicer" Roberts

If you ask me, Sam can take a long walk off a short pier.

Oh, but then he'd fall off!

Will you pipe down, Edith? We're trying to pull a fast one!

And you know they can't swim

Yes, black people have disputed the 6 million number for decades. It got the Nation of Islam in trouble when they claimed the number was less than 1 million.

wtf i love the nation of islam now.

Then you should look up hip and relevant comedian Rich Vos, who can be found making Nation of Islam jokes in 2017 as if they're still in the news every day.

IS the J&S show an actual bomb? YES!!!!!

I would take wwe & ufc over politics ... J&S are breathtakingly stupid

Sam is worse than Opie. Yeah I said it.

nah Sam can take the beating. Opie can't

Part of me thinks he's being deliberately stupid. I always hated Sam but I don't remember him being especially dumb.

But to what end? Does he think it's appealing to act stupid?

Sounds like you guys have passed the show by.

A fission bomb works by bringing together a mass of fissile material to get a runaway chain reaction. Using chemical explosives is the normal way to do this. The process is technically an implosion.

Sam is retarded. No one we were tricked into the Iraq war with fools like him as fellow citizens.

Will you pipe down, Edith? We're trying to pull a fast one!