Jim should pull a stunt as one his characters

1  2017-04-12 by ElectricHellKnight

I mean, something that would actually get attention from the media. Like run for town hall as Chip or some shit. There were a couple times where he went to events as a character, or even just walked around the streets with a microphone. He should do stuff like that again, preferably on a bigger scale.



A great stunt idea: he does one of his Facebook Live Q&A's shifting from character to character, then ends it by blowing his brains out as Kirk Sinnamin. He'd probably win back a lot of fans that way.

Corner that posthumous market, huge market.

he should do chip and try to grab a cops gun

In black face

Or try to grab two guns at the same time.

He should dress up like Uncle Paul and do something that rhymes with Chuck a maybe.

He should film his next daliance with a woman of the night (transsexual prostitute) as chippah.

"Tssst she got a pecka where her coota's supposed to be"

Maybe next April Fool's Day, as one of his characters, he can go on the radio and claim the mayor of Hoboken died.

I wish he'd pull a stunt with a shotgun.

How about a newer character melded after a certain member of the Pennsylvania state Senate who enjoyed a name similar to his ex co hosts favourite beverage producer.

He get on a plane as Muhammad Sheckler.

In black face

Or try to grab two guns at the same time.