Have fun in court Joe

10  2017-04-11 by jaimieand87


Joe isn't gonna have to say a word though! With all my legal troubles throughout the years, my lawyer always told me "Make sure you walk in there cocky and arrogant, judges love that!"... She is going to scold him like a child and he is going to stammer like an idiot. It's really easy to type "Nigger" on Twitter or Reddit, but to say it out loud in front of TV cameras and an ethnically diverse audience is a different story.

He is such a fucking idiot. They only take cases that they think will be entertaining. The only thing entertaining about his case is that he is a racist that is related to a semi famous racist. They are going to edit it to make him look like Himmler.

Maybe if this was actual small claims court, rather than the original "reality" show (pretty sure it's older than Cops) he would get a fair shake. If the contract was worded well ENOUGH (since it was written by a man with a 5th grade education) the judge might say "I can understand why you wouldn't want a man like this performing at your bar, but you did sign a contract..." blah blah blah, he wins. Going on a daytime TV show, where other than retired people, the main demographic is jobless ethnic people, and he thinks they're going to brush past the racism stuff? Even if he wins the $500 judgement, he's going to look like a total ass. The best part is, he's so dumb he assumes it's an "open and shut" case. No Joe, your contract may as well have been written in crayon and you are going to be made to look like quite the fool

Oh, I think he will win, but what he doesn't understand is that they don't care about open and shut cases or the law. They want something entertaining, and are going to make him look like a total jackass.

It's mind-boggling how dumb he is. He should understand that he is not going to come out of this "on top". He thinks it's a free plug for his band, thats why he's not going to real court. First of all, any plug he tries to give will be edited out, and who says "Oh you're that racist dude from the People's Court, just the act I've been looking for"?

He really is about a fat piece of shit.

His defense should be he is black too

Damn that judge is kind of cute

People should email [email protected] and make sure they have all the proof of Joe being an incorrigible racist

I'm sure the fact his brother is an alt-right podcaster will come up in the case. This makes Joe 'guilty by association'.

I cant wait for this thing to air. But on the other hand, I'll have to hear that dimwit's big fat dumb stupid poo poo pee pee mouth pardon my french.