Anthony 'Dikembe Mutombo jr' Cumia Still Under the Delusion That He's White

34  2017-04-11 by richfloss


Maybe he is just being sarcastic.

Can someone get him to do an Ancestry test with 23andme or something? I'd bet my left nut that this cunt has some mixture of african or arab in him

Maybe we should make him take the white challenge.

what's that the SAT?

Stay out of legal trouble for longer than six months?

Worse: Italian

It's not even human

I hate how the black community is filled with women beating, Escalade driving, loud, obnoxious, crime committing people. Why can't they be more like the Italians.

Actually, Anthony has done all those things

oooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lllllllllllliiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllljjjjjjjjjjjeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkkkksssssssssssttttttttttttoooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee

Hey now, I'm Northern Italian and half my family looks like the Von Trapps. In general, anything north of Rome/Lazio is "good" because that's where the intellectuals lived who did things like write philosophy, create art and culture, study military history, prevent interbreeding, et cetera.

Sicilians and Napolitano are the French of Italy: a bunch of surrendering faggot caper farmers.

Sicilians and arabs are ethnically indistinguishable.

In the sense that they are not people

They pushed Sam until he got a DNA test to prove he wasn't black so maybe Anthony should man up and get one himself? But since he'd lie about the results we'd probably have to get someone to pluck one of his hairs and send it in ourselves.

*individually placed follicles

If you plucked one of his "hairs" his DNA result would come back as horse.

He already took one back on the old show. People just forget. I found a clip of it.

post the family photo he just put up

He's only angered because he just bought her an iPad.

The only time I ever see Ant push this emotional shit its sightly pre-pubescent white girls. I think you're onto something, its just the girls he wants to fuck.

Dikembe Mutombo Jr made me laugh.

She looks like a typical thug to me.

Wonder if he pulled this when all those potential Anthony prospects were killed at Sandy Hook.

Anthony Cumia...your DNA results are in.

2% Southern European, 11% Tartar, 47% Berber, 40% Sub-Saharan African. Anthony Cumia...this is your life.

Barack Obama (courtesy of his English/German/Swiss/Irish/Scottish/Welsh matriachal line) absolutely, 100% has more Northern European, white DNA than Antwan.

This makes Sammy Davis Sr. angry.

Wow I never really thought of it that way. Obama has more European ancestry that most Italians lol.

Too real?

It iratates me personally because I dated an Italian girl for a few years, and she acted like she was from some amazing blood-line... I'll take Irish-Polack anyday, we're dumb drunks, and not the best white people, but maybe 2% nigger, compared to 25-50%

Whats more disgusting?

The media ignoring her death so they can push a narrative? or this dumb Ginny pretending he gives a shit so he can (you guessed it) push a narrative.

Look at any picture of NASA scientists that did the moon landing. They were all Italian.... eehhhhhh ohhhhhh