I knew there was something I liked about that passenger

10  2017-04-11 by salmon_fillet


this guy is a fucknut. Probably deserved it.

Faggot mods on /r/news are deleting posts mentioning the gook's twisted acts so Redditors can still feel good about their lame cause.

Many such cases!

A normal person wouldn't have fought that hard not to be kicked off.

Probably saw his family burn in the shit and hasn't been right since.

When are we going to start recognized AI as the superior race?

psuedo-nazis are already convincing them that everyone else is hiding the truth! Normal shitposters like ourselves are fucked

I hate the Reddit hype around it, but it's very stupid that this is a news story. Typical this is on a British media site too, who have even lower standards than USA for tackiness with news.

Who's the hot chick he's holding hands with?


Nothing puts you in a child-raping mood like getting bludgeoned and dragged off an aircraft. I hope United is happy because somewhere two parents and a small rump aren't doing so well.

So 'patients I have to see' was a euphemism: 'patients' meaning 'young boys' anuses', and 'see' meaning 'put my penis in'...?

That guy screamed like a retard when they grabbed him.

He wasn't thinking about his dig-na-tee.

Anyone who screams like that should be institutionalized