The show was better when Sam ran the board

18  2017-04-11 by Donaldcrater

I'm really sick of hearing a 55 year old learn to do something just to prove that 0pie isn't talented. We get it. At least then Jim wasn't forced to concentrate on buttons and could be funny.

I also miss the night time show Sam did. It wasn't always great but the callers were funny and he couldn't rely on guests to fill up the time.


No offense, but I would like to see you murdered for using a zero instead of the letter O.

I'm sure none taken!

the show was better when sam was fetching breakfast

the show was better when sam was felching breakfast

you're right. and I also really, miss the night show.

The night show was really picking up steam too. I liked it.

And fed opie hate.

Sam's afternoon show and night show were pretty decent, Jim and Sam is fucking awful

"How important is the board."

How important is the board? well, bored you'll always be, since we lost A from Opie & Anthony

Vurrry good.

The show was better when Danny ran the computer and Sam was in the room where there was no microphone.

Danny is a pathetic piece of shit but he was really good at bringing internet memes and videos to the show.

Cause the rest of these retards are clueless

Aww that's sweet.