52  2017-04-11 by unclepaul84


The guy is nothing but a mongoloid.

I beleive you stole this quote from his wiki page kind sir.

He stole it from Sam's mom.

That's not nice.

Woah buddy. How about we talk this out?

Fuck off, Sam!

I think it is very evident that the hate for Opie on this sub will never be matched. However, it is making me very happy to see the hate for Sam beginning to really take a step-up. The way that he shit all over Opie made this sub rejoice, but reality always sets in.

The way he shit all over Opie

Did I miss something? Far as I know, the best he or Jim have ever done was passive aggressive baby shit. The only one who even directly acknowledged Opie's shitiness was Ant and his Greggshells episodes.

That's true. The only two who really ever shit on Opie were Patrice who didn't give a fuck and Vos who is too stupid to know better.

You mean vos who always call Opie back to apologize Everytime after he disrespected Opie on air?

That's because someone tells him he fucked up.

I guess it is not so much what they say, but what they did. Without even letting Tits know signed a contract to do the Morning Show on "Opie Radio". Granted, SiriusXM knew they were changing the channel name, but, at the time, it was Opie raqio. Then, Opie made mention of how disappointed he was in Sam and Sam made it clear that not only had he used Tits to get on the air, but could give a fuck what he thinks. That was when he was loved here. But, much like all aspects of life, gimmicks only take people so far. At some point, there needs to be some talent and entertainment. Jim & Sam have not succeeded with that.

And together they couldn't stopped the Jason take over, now everyone of them will be off the channel soon

He's worse than Opie

Slow down...
