<- Number of people who agree with the caller this morning saying Jim and Sam should do less wrestling/MMA interviews

961  2017-04-11 by BullsLawDan

Just in case they think it was just that one guy.


<- Number of people who who think that "number of people threads are retarded.

That may be true, but I hardly think that type of language is called for.

< - Number of people that eat chicken tendies

not a big fan of the tendies on this sub i see

They're way better than nuggets, but it seems more like people aren't a fan of autistic 4chan speak.

eh, i was more so trying to make fun of Sam's tendie habit

i'll go fuck myself now

I misread that completely.

It seems like a prudent action at this point.

im hungry as a mother fucka, i might go buy some fam

Just read the replies to the their tweet announcing a wrestler or UFC guest.. it's 100% negative.. jim and Sam know we hate these guests but they are little fan boys at heart and just ignore the negative feedback cuz sam get to talk to billy big guns

Number of people who wanna make a fahkin'... humorous reference to upvoted comments or sumptin'...

Does anyone here actually listen to any of these shows? I'm pretty sure most of us only listen to the posted highlights so we can trash them.

Das correct.

Alt right virtue signaling.

You don't understand... We need to expaaand the show. We can't just have comedians and porn girls on...

You don't understand Jim, we don't want porn girls. Literally NO ONE GIVES A SHIT TO HEAR A PORN GIRL TALK. Not because we're gay either, our homosexuality is beside the point, it's just not good radio.

Put comedians on! Put people like Kaku and Degrasse-Tyson on as a change up. Even retards like Bobo are better than listening to fight guys fucking CONSTANTLY.

I feel like they're being pushed to take the guests, especially since they're a second-tier show on xL FACTION TALK which I guess is aimed at dudes who still have a Maxim subscription somehow, but fuck man. Stop this shit.

The porn girls thing wasn't EVER good radio. I don't understand how bat ever became a thot beyond its initial "shock" value.

Who decided that was a cool thing to listen to? Even hearing O&A shows from years and years back when they did that shit, it's fucking awful to listen to now. Was anyone actually into that? Were any dudes really jacking it to porn girls on the radio saying "God damn this is some great content right here". No. No one likes it.

This is based on nothing but guesswork, but I think Jimmy likes to have girls he wants to fuck and guys that he thinks they would wanna fuck on, because that makes his stupid little rod blister up. Fuck, I hate his "addiction".

def. Jim is a little sick fuck. He thinks he is sober and has it all worked out but he is just a deviant pervert. edging and cuckold porn, blank penis talk, He's a total beta pussy who wants to suck these alphas off while he watches them fuck the porn girls he has on while he beats off in the corner.

Anytime, without fail, a woman was in and mentioned they had sex with whoever, Jim would immediately ask how big the guy's dick was. It's just very odd.

It was great on that one episode where they did improv with the girl's tits.

Who decided that was a cool thing to listen to?

Howard Stern.

yeha in 1989 when it was a fresh idea.

He was also better at interviewing them. Howard made it semi-entertaining, Jim just sounds like a creep who doesn't give a shit if this is being listened to by others, he's only getting off on meaty pussies and toe questions.

because Jim is trying to get dates and Howard only wanted good radio

Dude over at /r/howardstern they still wish he was doing that same bullshit.

Blue Pilled- beta nu males so thirsty for pussy and get nothing are fascinated by listening to these fuck-holes.

The Feminization of culture all of sudden put porn girls on a pedestal.

Get off the internet and talk to a girl dude.

Get off the internet and talk to a girl dude.

Oh god dude, did that and lost half my stuff in divorce! LOL I am ok for now

Well I think Howard had success with it a few times so ona decided to run it into the ground. No im not a stern dick rider either

People forget how little their was to jerk off to before internet porn came out. Baywatch was like the sexiest thing we had. So it really did offer something that people didn't have access to. Howard did it the best. Now, it doesn't make sense with everybody having internet porn. And just having an interview with a porn star is the dumbest thing you can do.

That's a great explanation of its popularity actually. We forget we didn't have constant access to that shit.

This is true. It seems silly now but in like 1991 Howard really was pretty raunchy by the broadcast standards of the day.

exactly, but also up until like 2007 porn was hard to come by, and most of the normies didnt really actively use the internet until social media and youtube bullshit arrived. hell pornhub,xvideos,xhamester and the rest of the porn sites didn't launch until 2007.

Only when Patrice was in studio was it ever gold

Drag in a homeless guy again. Pay a recovering methhead in Chinese takeout to babble into a microphone for a bit, that was always great fun!

Some of the most memorable guests from the O&A days were the wacked out oddballs. Tippy Tom, Sandy Kane, Bobo, Stalker Patty, etc. I'm not saying they were all great appearances, but it was different and exciting. Alot better than the "I had a tough upbringing", "Did you fight alot growing up?", "Is it tough always being on the road?"...

Bring back my David

"Listening to fight guys fucking." Good out of context quote.

Ron and Fez could handle having porn girls on. They had Master Po sing R&B at one

our homosexuality is beside the point,

Speak for yourself, sir.

You just ruined da bit

This is just delusional self justification on Sam's part. It's not about expanding the audience, at all. It's about his obsession. No different than Ant's non-stop race talk, or Jim's need to have idiot porn girls in on a radio broadcast. It's not about the audience at all, it's about the hosts.

No one wants porn girls.

How they don't understand that you're not expanding the show if you're only interviewing the same 2 type of people over and over

Good radio: Jim Jefferies and that chick.

Artie Lange and Crystal Clear.

J&S think out 'problem' is with Wrestling. We use MMA and WWE as shorthand for 'shitty repetative guests who all happen to be from the same profession'

I hate the WWE. Hate wrestling. But i loved when The Iron Sheikh was on because it was great radio. The fact that he was a wrestler was irrelevant.



I never thought about it in Vigesimalic terms, but now it makes perfect sense.

Of course there was going to be a lot of those two categories combined with faggoty wrestlemania taking place last weekend.

It's a shit time of year, but it's over. If you get all bunched up over an mma fighter twice a month an a wrestlefagger once a month, you're looking for any excuse to whine.

(that said, if sam had another god damn rassaler on today, I'll take this post back 100% and shit in my own mouth)

Bray wyant

Now dish up

I too am a gentleman who's not fond of listening to fighters, wrestlers and porn actresses get interviewed. Do any of you out there reading this actually enjoy these types of interviews?

Really though, Rogan does the UFC thing, which is why I rarely listen to Rogan. I give two shits about UFC and they're actually fighting each other, not prancing around a stage play fighting in womens yoga pants.

I can't get mad at Rogan for having UFC fighters on all the time because he works for the company and it makes sense. Rogans probably friends with most of the guys he has on too, and it's just sort of Rogans thing. We know besides comedy mix martial arts is his biggest passion.

Yeah man, that's Rogan's gig and has been for a long time, so it's expected. I listen to Rogan on occasion when he has non UFC people on and rarely when he does if they're interesting people (to me). And yeah, once or twice a month have a UFC person on for an hour, cool, but let the WWE shit go it's lame and I'm not 8 anymore.

I listen to about 1 out of 20 Rogan podcasts. He's so fucking annoying he'd better have a great guest.

He doesn't have them on all the time.

He had Justin Wren on at the end of March. Justin barely talks about MMA, he talks about living in the Congo and building schools and wells for the Pymgy people because he's a fucking awesome dude.

Before that, in February, he had Dominic Cruz on. Dom had just lost his title, and he's moving more towards being a commentator. Him and Rogan did this last PPV together.

So you're looking at an average of one MMA related podcast per month, and he does 5-10 podcast a month.

People are acting like it's the same as The Worm's podcast, with an MMA fighter on every time.

and he does 5-10 podcast a month.

more like 20 a month now

It's utter shit and Sam and Jim's show has been the biggest disappointment in the last year on SXM.

I've never listened to Jim and Sam, but I like to live my life by the homespun wisdom of the phrase "less is more". Less MMA, less wrestling, less Jim, less Sam. Keep the audience wanting more, am I right, fellas??

Less /u/SHITLORD_CUNTDICK, if you ask me.

Fawk yeah

Great point but since most of the time this sub just viciously shits on the show it now has 0 chance of ever being taken seriously

Holy shit, this show is still on the air?

Yea I never followed WWE or MMA so I just skip the show if someone like that comes in, I just don't know anything about it. I mean really how much can you talk about beating people up?

Nobody but emotionally inept sub-human morons enjoy wrestling. The only thing I remember about that dumb shit is some moron with a mullet power bombed some obese nip on a fucking battleship. "USA" said rednecks and retarded pre-teens.

Rogan talks less about MMA at this point.

with bacon taped to the wall

emotionally inept sub-human morons enjoy wrestling

Andy Kauffman seemed alright.

I love MMA, but anyone who doesn't talk for a living isn't usually going to be good on it in this venue. Of course there are some people from the WWE and MMA who are interesting, and it is fine to change it up and draw a wider audience...that said the balance is completely out of whack. They should have those people on once or twice a week max, not the other way around.

Tons of interesting comedians the Skanks, Cumtown, old O and A vets, Kevin Brennan, Zac Amico, Tim Dillon, and even more younger interesting guys. Of course people will always have preferences with comedians, but there are lots of interesting people that can hold conversations that don't get put on as much as they should. It is complete BS that there are so many talented comedians that are great on radio/podcasts that Jim and Sam don't utilize.

Like most of you ladies, I skip right over the MMA/Wrestling talk. There are other avenues on SXM for exactly those topics, done by better hosts for the content, getting more detailed information out to the listener and from the interviewee.

The worst thing you can do as an entertainer is not listen to your fans. Opie would purposely burp into the mic because he knew people didn't like it and now look where he is. Jim and Sam will do what they want and have on shitty guests and they'll be in opie's position in a few years.

hes still doing better than me, and you

Are you raising another man's kids?


"We don't like having comedians on every single day because we like doing our show". YUCK.

This post is on r/all LOL

Jim and Sam won't listen though, they've reached Opie levels of spitework & disregard

They could just admit that they experience financial gain from these guests instead of clinging to hits on YouTube. Half the comments are just bashing the interviews and jim for not knowing enough about stupid fucking wrestling. I try and like Sam but the way he talks about wrestling is pathetic and he gets so defensive.

WWE is a dying piece of shit. Younger people and kids aren't subscribing to WWE and aren't watching it on cable. They watch youtube, Netflix, Amazon, etc.

The only people still watching are retards who can't let go of their childhood and that group gets smaller everyday.

It's still real to me, dammit!

If they interview someone or talk about something I don't care about I either stop listening for the day or skip through it. I don't know why anyone thinks they have to love every single second of every single show.

Well you should love it more often than you hate it.

You're a cheap whore for trying to get upvotes for an easy < inset thing that bugs us post, but I agree with your premise so I upvoted your stupid post. Damn you, you slut.

I like the UFC, but if I wanted to listen to a UFC interview, I'd listen to UFC Unfiltered. If they interviewed a UFC guy every now & then, that'd be fine, but what they're doing now is ridiculous.

it was the greatest call in the history of man. they way he emphasized FAGGOTS was pure gold. fuck sam and fuck jim for not listening to the fans. they really think 70,000 faggots are xm fans that watch fucking retarded rasslin interviews?

wrong....the number is far higher

Why would anybody want to watch fake fighting when you could see absolute brutality on any website?


Opie get out of here.

Once in a while is fine, but it seems like the official WWE podacast sometimes

Let's not pretend that UFC and WWE guests are only on the show to help Jim and Sam worm into the good graces of those organizations. You've already seen Sam leverage it into a gig with WWE and Jim score the UFC podcast from their selling out.

That caller is clearly a paid caller.

It was Erock.

Jimmy has never seen a good idea that didn't automatically make him comically defensive. He pulls his head back into his shell of self-delusion at the first sight of one.

It's more of a turtle shell.


Its also that when they do have the non-wrestler/ufc guest, theyre completely unprepared. Opie and Anthony actually each did their part pretty well in those older interviews and could do a good job of a "broad overview" of the career while talking about the newest project. Jimmy talking to Hank Azaria about the Birdcage and how amazing it was for like 60% of the interview was hilarious but not intentional.

I mean they're figuring it out, and Opie and Jim had the same problem with guests they didn't know about coming in, but sometimes its so tone-deaf its insane. This is really one aspect Sam should probably carry, just do the research about the person, what their fans like, and ask them about it. That will get as many youtube hits, it doesnt just have to be wrestlers.

All joking aside, they were right about the number of Youtube hits those interviews get. We all love CQ and Nick Dipaolo, but having The Big Show pulls a bigger audience.

It's shitty, but what are you gonna do?


logically jim and sam are right about the youtube views - from a business standpoint.

the main benefit of having a podcast or your own network is no pressure from your bosses for content that generates money/publicity.

if jim and sam owned their show, they would be forced to admit the wresting/mma content is subpar and not what their audience wants.

on sirius, if they cater to their audience, they'll get less people but higher engagement rates.

everyone in the o & a universe ignores everything valid "the fans" have to say. they only respond to strong, usually insulting opinions.

if just one of them would tweek their show according to the suggestions here, they could create an amazing show. 16k people subscribe here and i know there's a ton of people like me who lurk daily but don't subscribe. and a very small percentage of us even pay for their shows - lots of opportunity!

Jimmy Helwani is the fucking worst.

Rogan talks less about MMA at this point.

with bacon taped to the wall

emotionally inept sub-human morons enjoy wrestling

Andy Kauffman seemed alright.