An important message for r/opieandanthony

230  2017-04-11 by dweebgoose


Rich V-O-Esch

You said that Village for a year with those five dollars.

As if he needs the cash with that thriving garden of his

Oh Samaj. You're incorrigible!

Microsoft senior tech support specialist and accomplished dirt scraper.


He speaks about as well as Rich

Fucking outstanding.

Has this been tweeted to him?

Yep.. he just retweeted it

If Anthony gave a fair allowance to ALL of his brothers poor Samaj here wouldn't have to denigrate himself like this. That being said, it's nice to see a cumia not involved in crime for once

Sir, the man in this video is too civilized to be a Cumya.

Jesus, creative. You definitely got me.

Not exactly original but these always make my heart feel a bit fuzzy.

Also his delivery stunk and not in a good way.

Your breathing is loud.

Seriously how do you make this happen? I have many statements I want starving peasants to read.

Fiverr, stupid

hey I'm not stupid, no one listen to this guy

Hey fuck you. I'm gonna hire three villagers to jerk off on a picture of your username now.

Spend $15, see if I care. Unless there's a great deal for 3 villagers for $5, which I must compliment you on a great find.

I hear we are paying villagers to jerk off onto stuff. Kinda sounds like a project I want to be involved in.

I believe we've just uncovered the true purpose of /r/opieandanthony

By the sound of the breathing, it must be Bobby on camera.

seriously OP should have asked for half price for that awful mouth breathing. Also how is the cameraman fat enough to breath like that.

half the price $2.50

Bob from food use, maybe

Dey should send that cawksucka a fawkin inhaler full of peppa spray lyuylz tssss fawk yeah!!!!

"I've been sending him money through Sally Struthers, and he's DODSZJIN me!"

I was hoping he would dig up a dryer door.

Does anybody have the one where those 2 youths laugh at Brother Joe for drinking spit ?

Do another where it says Brother Joe enjoys child spit in his mouth.


They can bury cups but not their own shit?

Everything around above and under that fellow is poo.

hollyyyyy shit

Is Bobo filming this? Fucking darth vader breaths.

really? times new roman on white A4 sheet? Come on india

this was below your standards for indian peasants in a diaper?

the least he could have done was use Papyrus


This is terrible. The vos joke resembles the running jokes from the rest of reddit.

Which are good. Just not worth one of these. Save them for the real .... times .... as the late great CQ once said.

I haven't laughed this hard in weeks

Goddamn Rich Vos