Why doesn't Jim train MMA?

1  2017-04-11 by TinKnockinMoroccan

It would be a great way to maintain his figure while also being groped by muscular alpha males


He's got elbow pain. He will just stick to the elliptical machine and single digit dumbells

He really is a whiny little bitch. He inherited his bone-structure from the earthworm side of his family.

He doesn't want to hurt anyone. He's a weapon

Jim is not into MMA and not into Trannies. It's just part of his sad act.

Do you think if Kiss somehow became relevant again he'd just stop talking about those?

Because it's something new and take effort

More than likely he'd be embarrassed at the idea of getting an erection whilst rolling around with a sweaty alpha.

He'd rather have a train run on him by MMA queers

If he won't even explore a foreign city he's never seen before while he is already fucking there performing why would he go out of his way to do something that he talks about 3 days a week? Also he has a booboo elbow.

I don't think I've ever seen someone take off their ortho shoes and step into the octagon.

Jim is a champion is MMA. Man Masterbation Aesthetics

He has tinnitus in one of his elbows and if gets any worse he won't be able to do his day job where he sits and talks into a microphone.