I realized this subreddit is made up of a lot of British and otherwise European people that listened on Youtube

6  2017-04-11 by [deleted]



/u/Dennyislife, comment?

America is 77% white UK 92% end thread.

We are doing something about that regardless if Trump's kike son in law is "Making Israel Great Again".

There is a reason that after Trump was elected Obama said "America will still be browner in the future". Almost like that was part of his policy or something...šŸ¤”

Whatever. You keep going on about other countries ignoring your own shit

I'm only going on about your country because I'd like to see it survive.

The soil isn't magic you know. Genetics make the culture.




Oxfordshire, Bristol, Derby, Rochdale, Rotherham and Telford,


Gord prease

Allah Akbar.. we will feast on the blood of your children

Do you ever feel like a complete faggot when you troll on Twitter while your country with hundreds of years of history is invaded?

I think you might spend to much time on the_donald, reading breitbart and watchin Gavins show..

I find your assumptions hilarious.

All you did was name places you disagree with. You simple minded faggot.

Yeah but I'm not wrong though, am I? but I accept your apology

Only wrong in the sense that you pretend you don't care that the native population is being wiped out.

Kikes? Are you for real? The only Jewish people Iv met were 4 years ago at a trade show, and they were from Israel.. we have a tiny Jewish community in some part of London Iv never been too.. I think you might actually be an idiot.. I'm going to sleep now.. it's 5:20am here and I have to get up soon for mornin prayer

They run your media and own your "liberal" mind, stupid.

If it means thinkin like you.. I'd rather not

That is funny...you literally just admitted that I may be right but you would choose to stay ignorant.

Reminds me of some dude I was smoking weed with outside a bar once, he was like "I know it's true, I just wish it wasn't" in reference to racial differences in IQ


No..I'm of the Celtic persuasion according to my DNA test.

No nigger or askenazi here. šŸ™‰

What do you suggest? We run around murdering niggers and arabs? We gather brown people and force them into the ocean? The majority of us dont like or want this shit. We voted to leave Europe and given free movement is why most of these tax-draining non-whites are here in the first place it'll hopefully help. The rest of Europe are the fags still in the EU!

Just as long as that book is "Mein Kampf", right?

I do know one big nosed guy from the village of my childhood with a Jewy surname who rather stereotypically used to work in insurance. Nice feller, always gets his round in.

And I suppose you're out there on the streets punching BLM supporters and whacking antifa faggots over the head with plywood. Oh, you're not. You're calling Brits cowards on reddit. Nice one.

I'm not saying all Brits are cowards, Brexit is a good example of the fact that a lot of you still have some sense of yourself.

I was mainly talking about the fags on here complaining about "racism".

I stand homosexually corrected buddy - just know there are still good eggs on this god forsaken muslim-invaded island.

Permanently occupied since the Upper Paleolithic and Kenneth Clarke here calls it "hundreds of years of history".

/u/McGowen, comment?

Eastern Europe is aight.

ALL of Europe is alright...well...it WAS. These faggots brainwashed by kike media should get smeared on the pavement by a lorry.

/u/McGowan9, commment?

These three British faggots all have posts on the front page.

Time for another Revolution.

I'm from the UK as well.

There's a Dayton in the UK?

Oh no, not that UK. I'm from the University of Kissable loveable boys. I can understand the confusion. It'sā€‹ main campus is in Toledo.

Well, thank you for the clarification sir

Help yourself, to some tea, ya fuckin redcoat.

I don't mean to be terse, but we're losing pests and peckas left and right; Kratom, I'm afraid. "The Mary Boy's Meth," as you call it in the empire. Brave souls that will miss the race war....

I enjoyed a couple books the guy fucking you wrote, ma'am.

I love a man that makes me use a thesaurus-you should hear my moans of delight when I'm reading his prose, and googling a word for the third time in the same sentence, while he takes my boy pussy

Well I like Lap sang Souchong

ah kratom, my favourite. this rubbish talk of its dangers are taking the piss. this simply won't do. AS WELL, I just can't get on with you. The colour of your skin won't define us M8! #STAY

Fighting for racism, you mean.

Everyone from the UK should execute themselves

Even the National Front?

Fuck you too buddy


Invite them to your place. They would love it there.

That one went over your head m8?

Love ya miss ya, ApeNia

Thanks, buddy.

I do enjoy tea, crumpets and royal penis

Europe, AKA middle east 2.

I live in the North of England. Pretty much zero minorities where I live. Down south is a shit hole though - London's unrecognisable. Call us faggots/cowards etc - we didn't ask for this shit and with Brexit we're doing our best to rid ourselves of brown people. Period. Give us Brits a fawken break.

"We didn't ask for this shit"

Exactly. I just dislike the native Brits that go along with it.

What can we do? I voted leave hoping it'll stop the flow. I mean short of running around beating muslims over the head with flagpoles it's a no-win. A lot of americans seem to think if roles were reversed they'd somehow kick some ass and sort the problem out with guns, flags and bald eagles. Obama nearly turned your country to shit too remember?

Why do legal guns not help?

Do you think the world would be safer without those kind of stockpiling "prepper" nuts with years worth of food... Yes they are crazy, but they have a point and a back up plan, at least

Me, I'd rather be incinerated by the first airburst, thanks. Sitting around for 6 weeks afterwards eating cold rice pudding out of a tin while saying " told you so!" to the charred bodies of my neighbours then dying horribly from septicaemia doesn't hold much appeal.

I have no backup plan or guns. I readily admit I'll be done-for if anything strikes far enough away that I survive and most don't. Just because you're a helpless, unskilled, sitting duck doesn't mean everyone else is. The nutjobs have trained themselves, at the very least. How can you possibly think you're more secure when all your talents become pointless the second society faces a setback? Motherfuckers in Michigan can't even drink their ass water, but we're all so secure aren't we?

"Just because you're a helpless, unskilled, sithing duck" - au contraire, mon ami. But, unless part of your preparation involves making friends with pepper doctors with access to unlimited medical supplies you're not going to last long. Less than a hundred years ago dying from an infected tooth was a real problem. Once that infrastructure is gone, we're ALL sitting ducks really. Plus, eking out a meagre subsistence diet in a radioactive wasteland with everyone I care about dead just doesn't seem like fun.

What is a sithing duck, fool? It's funny that you would just happily resign to starvation like that because eating food "just doesn't seem like fun."

Is that really what you got from previous answer? That I'd starve because eating didn't seem like fun? I refer you again to the radiation, the death of everyone I'm bothered about, and the extremely high chances of dying from what would be a trivial injury today due to the complete lack of doctors, medicine or any infrastructure that could get you to them if they did exist.

I mean, really. Some people!

That's not what "I got" that's actually what you said. You don't care that you'd just be sitting there dying and starving, because your "friends would be dead."

You must have some social life!

No, it isn't what I said. It isn't even what you said I said in your previous attempt. Stop being silly.

It's what you've been saying from the very beginning first and foremost, that your friends are all dead and you'd just starve or get a disease, and that's justification for not caring.

Nope, Never once did I say I "would just happily resign to starvation like that because eating food "just doesn't seem like fun.""

I wouldn't have any choice about getting a disease, that's rather the point old thing. And it's not justification for anything, merely a description of the most likely outcome.

I was just takin' the piss by thinking of something quintessentially American. I'm very pro choice. I can't fight for shit so wouldn't mind being able to pop a few clips about


Oh no, not that UK. I'm from the University of Kissable loveable boys. I can understand the confusion. It'sā€‹ main campus is in Toledo.

I think you might spend to much time on the_donald, reading breitbart and watchin Gavins show..

And I suppose you're out there on the streets punching BLM supporters and whacking antifa faggots over the head with plywood. Oh, you're not. You're calling Brits cowards on reddit. Nice one.

I stand homosexually corrected buddy - just know there are still good eggs on this god forsaken muslim-invaded island.

Permanently occupied since the Upper Paleolithic and Kenneth Clarke here calls it "hundreds of years of history".

Me, I'd rather be incinerated by the first airburst, thanks. Sitting around for 6 weeks afterwards eating cold rice pudding out of a tin while saying " told you so!" to the charred bodies of my neighbours then dying horribly from septicaemia doesn't hold much appeal.

I was just takin' the piss by thinking of something quintessentially American. I'm very pro choice. I can't fight for shit so wouldn't mind being able to pop a few clips about