The most Jewy Jew Hebey Kikeburger Guest Ever on JRE

0  2017-04-11 by littlepeteferguson



I saw him on this is not happening and that kike claims he grew up in the ghettos of Oakland and was in a gang as a teen.

I think he meant that he worked in a bank

I get it seems outlandish, but Chelsea Peretti knew him growing up and pretty much verified that he was a little wigger fuck-up in his teens.

Yeah because when I think of someone who can back up street cred it's Chelsea Peretti. She looks like she came from a rough and tumble neighborhood.

I read his book back in the day and while I agree he's pushing it with being in a gang, he was a sort of like a more fucked-up Jimmy.

I would say something mean as a retort but I have been warned to not "act like a cunt" on here anymore. So I agree with your statement fully friend, see ya later I'm gonna go have a malted and help an old lady like the good boy I am.

Which is ironic because your first sentence is cunty as can be.

She's got a fat butt

She loves black cock so she may have the inside scoop from the OGs.

but Chelsea Peretti knew him growing up and pretty much verified that he was a little wigger fuck-up in his teens.

So basically a real life version of that guy from malibu most wanted?

Also you do know Chelsea grew up fucking rich right?

But she's into brothaz so maybe she was slumming it on the streets of Da Bay and heard from the homies about a wild Jew boy who was like the O-Dogg of kikes.


(((Moshe Kasher))) believes that Jews are superior, Angela Merkel is a great leader, and white male privilege is the greatest problem facing western society. Have a ball, fellas!

Does Rogan push back or does he just agree?

The only thing Rogan pushes back on is dick.

And this guy just got a show on comedy central. Also have you noticed you have to be a kike or a nigger to get a show on comedy central?


Heaps of the top comments are anti-Jew and not like angry, silly anti-Jew but just casual "Ahh fucking hell these Jews are at it again".

I'm so happy.

says on wiki that his first name is mark.. i guess moshe is cooler? gets him more attention.. this guy is the worst and those glasses REALLY make me want smash him in the face that is all..

Think about it for a second. Sam Hyde and MDE are slogging away in obscurity for years doing interesting and really 'brave' shit. Gets a show and it's a strong debut that rates well and says some things you just won't ever hear in the culture. Wrong politics though so the Jews gas him.

Meanwhile this generic Jew fuck will probably do a Schumer and be a big hit -- with critics of course but not fans.


Gets a show and it's a strong debut that rates well and says some things you just won't ever hear in the culture. Wrong politics though so the Jews gas him. Meanwhile this generic Jew fuck will probably do a Schumer and be a big hit -- with critics of course but not fans. Fuck.

I really do feel like the wrong side won the war 75 years ago. I mean between this and the israel bullshit there is a reason millenials are so anti-israel. I wouldn't be surprised if attacks on jews start happening in the next 5 years.

Even General Patton concluded that America took the wrong side in the war before his (((mysterious))) death.

Enough with same hyde mde shit. One clip out of hundreds made me slightly smile. It's not funny. It appeals to stupid millenial faggots that think it follows some sort of edgy ideology. It doesn't, it just sucks. Sam Hyde is an ugly fat loser.

I'm not saying he's Colin Quinn level funny I'm just saying he had a promising debut that was likely nixed because of political reasons. Also, Hitler barely made an error.

Agreed. He's not very funny or particularly insightful. His show was an even shittier Tim and Eric. It deserved to be canceled.


I tuned in, and it seems his shtick is to ingratiate himself to the anti-SJW crowd by making some mild criticism of their extremism, but then say something equally stupid himself. He can't really hide what he is, which seems to be an unfunny douche who considers himself morally superior to rich people.

I hope he gets really rich and has to pay for my unemployment check which I use exclusively to buy Nazi flags I anonymously put in his mailbox so his jewy kids get all scared.

He's living off of his wife, he doesn't really care if he's successful.

lol at him saying his moms a disabled woman because shes def