Jason Ellis stinks on ice

13  2017-04-10 by sexylarrytate

That show is the poorest excuse for radio ever to get a 4 hour slot. It is 90% a space filler of boring drivel aside from an occasional interesting guest. Even then Jason's comments usually stink.


He likes to kiss boys too

Yeah he keeps bringing that up but without humor. Even that is tired already.


He's fucking rad, maaaaaan.

Interesting take on a unique topic round these parts

I fell asleep during J&S last week (WWE guest) I woke up to Ellis playing electric shock collar ping pong with a porn start 😳

wat did he fawkin fart while ice fishing or sumpthin?

I listened once since he moved to Fagction Talk. Only for about 20 minutes. Most of it was just talking about cum. No surprises there given that he likes da dick now, but it was like pre-pubescent kids were talking about it. "Could you save up a full bucket of cum?" and shit like that. Is Ellis so starved for dick that it's all he can think about now?

Ellis is a pathetic piece of shit and there's no other way to say it. He fucks men and says crazy shit because that's all he knows to do if he wants to be interesting. The other people on "his" show are the only ones adding any structured radio content. Jason just sits there like the flabby old over-tattooed hack he is and screams stuff he thinks is shocking when he's not fucking off on his phone.

The eternal dingo.