Serious question; Is Joe Cumia intellectually sub-normal?

19  2017-04-10 by McGowan9

Not even trying to make a joke. Do you think he has an IQ in the 80-90 region? He makes the same mistakes again and again without ever learning from them, one of the hallmarks of low intelligence. He is also just a mong in general.


He has the mind of a 13 year old. It's probably the only reason why Anthony keeps him around.

Imagine if he had the body of a 13 year old. The sweet iPad swag.

Yes. Not even joking here. He's clearly a bit slow in some regards.

Hasn't that been obvious from day one?

You LIBTARDS "wood" say thatt.

I cood be in "MENSER" im that smarte.

Somewhat. But the bigger problem is the arrogance that having a somewhat famous little brother has given him. Both him and Anthony think of things (especially the internet) in old man terms. They think they can beat trolls or that Anthony has any real power anymore.

Too many years of being able to win arguments by turning down mics, and too many years of being able to fill up cover band shows have warped their minds.

Also, despite how viciously they went after people, Anthony and Opie always backed down when confronted by others.

Anthony seems to think the same applies to the anonymous world of the internet.

He probably has the same mindset as one of Michael Jackson's brothers.

trying to beat trolls on the internet is like trying to catch smoke with your hands.

Well those people generally have lower iq scores. By those people I mean blacks. Brother Joe is a black person

Blacks? mean niggers. Yeah, Joe is a nigger for sure.

Isn't there a popular theory out there that the age you start using drugs and alcohol is the age you get frozen in without any major periods of sobriety in between?

You stay frozen at the point you were taking showers with your father.

I think you're referring to emotional maturity being stunted by substance abuse. Yes, that is a theory.

Go after Ellis instead of Joe. At least Joe isn't ruining an entire channel!

Not true, he ruined the entire channel that Guilty By Association was on.

He regurgitates guitar tabs for a living for a poppy fag band, not exactly an engineer.

I'm going to say that based on the extent of my familiarity with his prose, which is often riddled with even the most basic spelling and grammatical errors as well as with poor syntax and just a generalized shitty command of his native language, that his IQ hovers around the average high temperature for the month of June in Ronkonkoma, Long Island.

Has the inbred and defective arabic genetics been mentioned as a root cause?

I'd say average IQ, but stunted development. He's deficient in self-control, self-awareness, empathy, adaptability, all the things that increase as you mature. You see this a lot in poor areas. People who aren't actually intellectually deficient, but simply have no desire to learn or grow, and habitually give in to their base emotions. It comes from bad parenting and lack of intellectual stimulation growing up. The Cumias were brought up in loud, stupid environments that blunted their minds.

I'd say Ant, being the lil' pissy eyed nerd of the two, came out a little more intellectual than Joe. However mature Joe was by age 18, he stayed that way. He's bonafide Long Island guido trash.

Joe seems like a garden-variety dummy to me.

Ant seems like a guy who should be smart but took the wrong path and decided books were for queers.

He's probably not special needs or anything but yes he is clearly an idiot.

I think he's GENUINELY on the spectrum. He's never bothered to learn other job skills outside playing guitar and rudimentary trade jobs (air conditioner repair). I would say: Potentially autistic?

He acts like he's in a biker gang from a tv show - you tell me.

He's a fawkin dumb wop.

100 is average, so I would 75-80 is a good estimate.

'Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.' -Carlin on the Bro Joes of the world

Old people like Brother Joe (Baby boomers) are in general really bad with social media and this definitely exacerbates his awfulness.

He probably would seem fairly normal if you interacted with him in real life but just like the nice old ladies that have 'Obama is a kenyan socialist' posts on facebook his political and racial views get abrasively portrayed on the internet.