Plaintiff, can you please explain this tweet?

168  2017-04-10 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK



Fake Edgy

Oh no, not u2.


this guys onto something

I genuinely hate this man

Not man, see bleasts fol ploof.

it doesn't even sound asian anymore, go home.

I am home.

Youl move, Shelrock.

Why didn't you tell us you had been on the Dating Game?

Becrause it no peltinent to convelsation.

You know that not ever 'r' in every word is pronounced 'ruh', right? The Chinese pronouce 'er' just fine, though sometimes they say 'va' instead.

Your lacist

"Anth Attcked"

Had to cut out that vestigial A to make room for the all important H

Anthony once said that Joe "writes very well".

"That's great, Joe! It's going right up on the fridge."

that tweet didnt age well.

he writes in the same style those facebook groups with names like "Obama socialist kenyan evil anti christian" do

"Well your honor, am I wrong? Show me where in the history book it says I'm wrong"

"Your Honor, this is my brother Anth, he has FBI statistics that will prove everything I said about niggers to be true."

What's the over/under on the number of times he mentions his brother "You know, from the Opie and Anthony show? I actually introduced them you know"... As if it gives him some sort of "credibility" even though it's completely irrelevant to the case as well as 99% of society in general.

Does this tweet trigger your delicate sensibilties regarding race?

By the way...FBI crime stats are no way to judge a race of people

Can you imagine the actual disparity? LOL!


Like, all of us know that niggers suck, it's just fun to fuck with Brother Joe because he constantly shows how much it bothers him.

I was making a wider point, but whatever. You obviously don't see that most of these people hate him and his brother for "racism" more than anything else.

Congratulations on your new "SJW" status, dipshit.

Most people hate them because it's fun to hate.

Is that how you justify it in your mind?

You're what the kike Marxists called a "useful idiot".

You're so cute. We should totally fuck.

K hmu on KiK


You didn't even acknowledge that I put three uppercase Ks in that comment.

This relationship is over.


More like kkkunt

Seriously tho what do you think you are accomplishing by preaching those garbage here

Explain what is garbage, sir.

The communist Marxist cuck garbage

I can read your sarcasm, bitchboy.

Try killing yourself and mean it this time.

Can you purchase a set of exit bag and have it deliver to my address

You're what I call massive faggot.

We're all racists here, calm down.

All humans are racist to some extent. For the most part really.

I'm not actually as racist as I portray myself on here, I just made this SN to trigger the white guilt retards that cry about racism on this subreddit.

Then I realized half of them are British or otherwise European and it all made sense.

Nobody hates Anthony because he's racist, ppl hate Anthony cuz it's all he talks/cares about, repeating the same points over and over. It's Fuckn boring and his brother's a fag

Now your honor, if you would turn your attention to the power point i have made about the civil war, or as we like to call it "the war of northern aggression".

When his allowance gets threatened the real Joe Cumia comes out.

I wanna piss in his mouth

Since Ant is most likely going to cut his allowance, he'll let you for the right price

That will only give him pleasure.

Now if you're dark, then you may be on to something.

I'm not really sure how editing tweets works but won't he just claim everything that gets brought up is a fake tweet?

Archived link:

LOL this guy said he wasn't a racist.

Wait.... This is real life? I'm now erect.

"It was a twitter bit your honor."

Guy's a complete idiot. Whites = Holocaust and the 50 million killed by Stalin by his logic. Dumb fuck.

Hey stop picking on Uncle Joe.

You're right, I'm sorry.

I was going to suggest that you add colonialism to the list, but then I realized that there's no fucking way that Joe understands what colonialism is, except maybe some vague link to the Thirteen Colonies.

I think "Imperialism" may be what you're going for here.

Please don't call Slavs white

Yes sir!

The holocaust never happened and Slavs aren't white so shedup

No shit? Fuck man, I just got red pilled.

September 11th

Pearl Harbor

A shock jock being punched by a black lady

Truly you must categorize these three events together.

In fairness to Joseph, the collapse of Ant's career is comparable to that of the twin towers

both were made possible by jews

I think a big part of his case is going to be the fact that the guy who emailed the bar owner is a convicted felon. I don't think the judge is going to care that much about that...

Wait, Anthony emailed the bar owner?

Yeah he thought he left his gun there.


Quite a "Lesson" lol

Im not even really an O & A fan. I just subscribe to this subreddit for great content like this.

We are the real O&A.

"Your honor, Mr. Cumia believes everyone falls under the subgenus 'nigger', not just blacks."

I can't help but laugh at him equating his brother being "attacked" with 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.

Folks, we finally found a subset of people dumber and more lacking of perspective than radio show hosts and comedians.

Fucking professional cover band musicians.


Goombas = mulatto nazi cumrags. What's that about your nature again? History doesn't repeat but it rhymes...or sumptin.

"Is this a fake tweet?" everyone questions...

its funny how joe goes on about how the niggers commit so much crime when he takes it as a point of pride that he was the first kid to ever be expelled from his middle school for selling drugs

That is the thoughts of a perfectly sane man.

I love getting history lessons from high school dropouts

does this clown really post the word nigger under his named account? lol

wew lads. this is gonna a good one.

"Anth." Gets me every time.

When he occasionally goes on about the 82nd Airborne, I wonder if seeing his service record made public wouldn't be a hoot.

He's just cranky, he hasn't had good morning dicking yet

I was making a wider point, but whatever. You obviously don't see that most of these people hate him and his brother for "racism" more than anything else.

Congratulations on your new "SJW" status, dipshit.

The communist Marxist cuck garbage