TIL that Gregg earned the name 'Opie' in 7th grade when a girl tried to humiliate him in front of the class. I thought his family gave him that nickname when he was a baby. Boy was I wrong. (Audio starts around the 11:00 mark).

1  2017-04-10 by Dannyprecise


More likely brother weez, who spawned the awful opie, said,"Hey maaaan, if you want to make it big in this biz you need a catchy nickname. What you got?"....Now Greg makes it seem like some organic nickname he had his whole life, as oppose to a contrived business move.

Can we take a moment to acknowledge how douchy and stupid the name "Brother Weez" is?

Brother Wease also has "Opie" tattooed on his arm. That is the king of douche.

He's told that same story multiple times. Why would you ever assume it was a toddler nickname?

ME: Look, I'm stuck with this fawkin' nickname, alright?

high pitch What do you want me to do?!

Spuds Buckley
