Jim is going to come back from Europe a real culture vulture

22  2017-04-10 by Dennyislife


Here's hoping there is a suicide bomber attack in the red light district when Jimmy is in Amsterdam and he's found dead with shit on his chest and in his mouth and 3 tranny hookers splayed around him in a room full of marijuana and alcohol.

And Sam also dies in an unrelated event

We can dream can't we?

Forget the coffee shops and Nortons pretend addiction....this asshole is in Europe and isn't going to even explore the city...like I don't maybe take in some culture? Why is everyone in the O&A universe such a loser

I would love to be able to travel to Europe and experience the history of those cities. Unlike walking around NYC where a building from 1850 is impressive "Wow, that's like sooo old!"

It's amazing how nice even the red light district looks there. If it was a neighborhood in NYC each apartment would cost 20 million dollars.

Yeah it's a pretty place with canals to fall in etc etc

he could take a 30min train and be in any other city and explore some old cities and the nature

Or he could browse the dark net in his hotel room at twice his normal speed because he's that much closer to a TOR node!

Jim: "Oh, I love Amsterdam!"

Someone: "What did you see there?"

Jim: "The hotel room."

What do they call a whopper? "I don't know, I didn't go ANYWHERE"

"Berlin has the BEST hotel towels!"

Yeah Amsterdam is a beautiful city and this faggot used to go to fucking Brazil and walk around, but Amsterdam would be a problem?

If he's telling the truth, then he really is almost all the way to being an inert, low-T old codger. Brilliant songwriter and pedophile Pete Townshend was right when he wrote "hope I die before I get old."

Can't wait to hear his new accent

Believe it or not there is actually other stuff to see in Amsterdam besides the whores and coffee shops. Some of it's even fun and interesting. Jimmy really is a dullard.

I hear nothing but great things about a certain annex in Amsterdam. Supposed to be a real hoot.

Been there. What I did not do was wait in line for 2 hours to see some diary writing jew hideout or some faggot starry night painting. What I did do was fuck whores and eat french fries.

More like dutch fries


But you could've stayed home and done that

"Believe it or not there is actually other stuff to see in Amsterdam besides the whores and coffee shops. Some of it's even fun and interesting"


Your point being?

No point here, friend.

What a childish mentality. Jesus Christ, have some self control. He'll probably never go there again, and he's just going to stay in his hotel room?

Not even, he's gonna hang out in the fucking airport all night after the gig. It's really enraging.

It really pisses me off how unwilling he is to explore. At least fucking look at the city you are performing in, he might even get some material out of it. Such a weird boy.

You never know, dude. He could be walking down the street, looking at the historical architecture and accidentally inhale marijuana smoke. A single puff would be all it would take to send him into a spiral of drunken debauchery. Within minutes he'd be uncontrollably sipping a light beer.

He survives all of the legal weed states when he tours America, and his workplaces pretty much always serve alcohol. He really is a set in his ways old man.

I get not wanting to hang out IN the coffee shops if you're a "recovering addict" (smoked a roach 30 fucking years ago!), but it's not like a 90's PSA where these aggressive drug-pushers are going to pop up and force you to get high. You can take a stroll down the sidewalk Jim, you're a 50 year old man. He probably smells just as much weed outside the Cellar on any given night and he hasn't "relapsed" yet.

to be fair i was a pretty sober person until i went to Amsterdam. I then went there and went off the rails for a good 5 or 6 hours. Those hours taught me alot i didn't like about myself.

( i fucked a black lady of the night)

Also you do actually get constantly accosted by Arab looking men in leather jackets trying to sell your cocaine and stuff. I've been a lot and I've learned to say no without actually saying no to them.

Never happened when I was there, spent quite a while perusing the hookers too. Anyway jim would probably pass for a Dutch midget lesbian, the dealers surely target tourists.

What a depressing fucking bore this guy is. I would love to see what his life would be like without O&A and a moderately successful career in comedy (because of O&A).

He's still watching Narcos? It's like 10 episodes, his obsession with edging has taken a turn for the worse.

You never know, dude. He could be walking down the street, looking at the historical architecture and accidentally inhale marijuana smoke. A single puff would be all it would take to send him into a spiral of drunken debauchery. Within minutes he'd be uncontrollably sipping a light beer.