can we publicly hate James corden for a few days

59  2017-04-10 by ERECTLUSHEN

he stinks and its not possible that anyone enjoys him


I have room in my heart to hate a lot more. What did he do/say/look like?

Fat fuck, Fallon-esque over the top laughing, inexplicable fame.

He's the British Chaz Bono that took over The Late Late Show for Craig Ferguson and ruined it with celebrity karaoke.

No one actually likes him. The only people that watch are elitist insomniacs pretending they're watching intellectual comedy. Basically the same people that swirl and sniff wine.

The chubby gay guy that does karaoke? I thought there was a lot of overlap with adele fans.

No that was Ant on periscope yesterday.

Yep, my gf loves fat Adele and fat Corden. She's a faggot.

You don't have a girlfriend and you're talking about yourself.

Are you spying on me? CITIZEN'S ARREST!

People love him dude, my sister being one of them.

Since there is no dirt on him we need to come up with a rumor that seems like it would be true.

I heard he tweeted something racist once. Like nigger or something.

I saw him in the original Broadway runs of History Boys and One Man, Two Guvnors. He was delightful in both and in the latter, performed some of the best live physical comedy I've ever seen.

The eccentric school teacher in History Boys would give his pupils rides home when he would fondle them on his motorcycle in the Athenian man8=D~knowledge~O-: boy sense.

James Corden supports school teachers who diddle students.

What the fuck is this gobbledygook? We're trying to slander that fat queen James Corbin here, and your faggy $10 words ain't helpin


based on his breakout fictional role

He used Jimmy Saville as an early job reference

Let's tell people he indulges in the occasional treat.

I heard he went to the emergency room and they removed a gerbil from his ass.

Then they pumped a quart of semen from his stomach.

Hmm seems reasonable he used to be even fatter

He's a known coke addict.

I hear he used to spit in peoples mouths to get money to buy coke.

Did he get caught with that biker in Long Island?

It appears that way, but I can't 100% verify it till a witness comes out.

He was doing coke as a child?

I heard he intentionally flubbed his lines so they could do multiple takes of him eating that chicken.

if you go on youtube, a lot of british people hate him because he is a "tory" which I found out means hes conservative. they hate him because he voted trump but acts liberal here

Why would a faggler be conservative?

He wants to be taxed less so he can buy more pies probably.

Makes sense.

I was reading some fake news recently, about how taxes were much higher in the 1950s than they are today!

He isn't a US citizen. He only moved here a few years ago, so he's still on a green card. Craig Ferguson took forever to get citizenship. He moved to America even before the Drew Carey Show and didn't get approved until towards the end of his talk show.

Ferguson, now that was a good Late Late Show.

Now we get a a Brit so poofy even his own people overseas hate him.

Alright now I kinda like him. Not because I'm conservative.

I just like how he is swindling vapid dyke liberals to like him while being a total piece of shit

Tories are conservatives but Ukip is the equivalent to Trump's conservatism.

This whole singing songs with celebrities is garbage

Apple is producing a whole goddamned TV show around the concept.

It's cheap, no thought, shit tv.

sure, i'll allow it. fuck him.

who's he again?

His name was /u/Thomas_Daly

I loved what Artie had to say about him:

"When James Corden opens his fat fucking mouth to do karaoke in a car - something that wouldn't be fucking funny to the secretaries at an accounting firm - and gets an Emmy for it, I’m allowed to say he sucks. But instead, “Everybody's great" ... need I say more?"

Was genuinely surprised to learn he's married to a woman and has children, but they're probably a cover and he's the biggest cream puff this side of Paul Lynde.

Richard Simmons was invited on to Corden's show, and Simmons declined, saying "I ain't in to none of that gay shit."

he's worse than gay, he's an estrogen-laced straight man who tries as hard as he can to appear silly and harmless.

I'm glad that fat cunt is in America. There was a few years in the UK where you couldn't avoid him, he was always on tv. I don't know why, he isn't remotely talented or entertaining. Keep him (with our apologies.)

Eh, at least you gave us Cuck Jefferies to berate us about owning guns.

stop sending your worst entertainers.

I'm not in charge of those decisions, Sir.

You can take back Piers Morgan while you're at it.

At least you people never sent us Ben Elton

You're seriously telling me you don't like this obviously straight, hilarious man?

We sure can!

Thank fuck that cunt found his way here! His rise to fame in the UK was inexplicable on its own, and now he's somehow broke America too? Jesus I hate that fat falsetto fuck.

now THIS is something I'll commit to!

It all comes back to girls being annoying. They enjoy that shit because they think that's what fun is. They're probably not having fun when they're hanging out with that faggot, they just want to show other people how fun they are so people think higher of them. Vapid cunts all of em

Low-hanging fruit.

I hope he does his next car pool with an angry hive of bees.

Somehow Norm had an appearance on that fag's show, and Corden tried to use the word "nonplussed", but he used it to mean "nonchalant" which is the exact opposite of its actual meaning, and Norm interrupted him to say, "no, he was not nonplussed because nonplussed means flustered. He was the opposite of nonplussed" to total silence from the audience. It was extremely awkward and made me like Norm even more that hr will autistically tell that shmarmy Brit that his "learned British man" shtick isn't fooling anyone.

When did we ever stop hating that closet case?

I've always hated him. We lost Craig Ferguson for this fat fuck who is devoid of humor and only talent is lip syncing in a car with famous people.

Believe it or not, he used to be an even bigger cunt than he is now. To the point where his friends didn't want anything to do with him. So, if you hate him now, you'd have REALLY hated him a few years ago.

I'm about 6 years ahead of you

Fuck his fucking face in this video. .

He is a 38 year old man that tweeted about having a Harry Styles song on repeat yesterday.

He's a fat effeminate unfunny faggott who was disliked in the UK, and for some fucked up (Jewish) reason has became a well-paid talkshow host in America.

He's an AI experiment gone wrong/right. Audience is an illusion, numbers are faked, YT views are faked, YT comments are all fake.

not as long as sam is still alive, no.

Did you say Corden or Norden?

As far as I'm concerned, we can publicly hate James Corden year round.

I've always hated him.

I work in Africa. A 'local' co-worker of mine is a huge fan of him and talks about Corden a lot.

Niggers are stupid and it is no wonder Sub Saharan Africa is the shittiest place on earth.

Why would a faggler be conservative?

He isn't a US citizen. He only moved here a few years ago, so he's still on a green card. Craig Ferguson took forever to get citizenship. He moved to America even before the Drew Carey Show and didn't get approved until towards the end of his talk show.

Alright now I kinda like him. Not because I'm conservative.

I just like how he is swindling vapid dyke liberals to like him while being a total piece of shit

Richard Simmons was invited on to Corden's show, and Simmons declined, saying "I ain't in to none of that gay shit."

he's worse than gay, he's an estrogen-laced straight man who tries as hard as he can to appear silly and harmless.

Tories are conservatives but Ukip is the equivalent to Trump's conservatism.

You don't have a girlfriend and you're talking about yourself.