Move over Chapelle, Burr, CK and Norton. 2017's best special goes to...

40  2017-04-10 by porsalin


"Gah... good thing my wife's a doctor! I'm gonna need it!"

He sells her prescription pads to finance his shitty comedy.

I am pleased that i have no idea who that is

I've definitely liked his Fixing Joe podcast with Anthony, Artie and Jimmy more than any comedian could ever put out.

It truly was a work of art.

LOL,I love how you include the dopie of the comedy world Jim Morton

His special was better than CK and Burr's last one.

Jim's special was better than CK and Burr's last one.

Ben Bailey had a special?

That's really unfair, Ben Bailey is actually funny!

Joe's take on how many prescription drugs he takes for depression and anxiety and the ups and downs of his marriage is a very fresh and different take on stand up comedy.....

.... Is what I would say if I was in the year 2002.

This nigga should be eliminated

It is probably better than CK's new special, that was a snoozefest.

I actually tried to like this guy because he's friends with a lot of the old cellar crowd, but damn he's boring..

So much fish oil...

I'm pretty sure he knows a guy out by the docks who can get him some Centrum Silver.

RIP Joe Mattress 2017 - 2017: If only we had more of a "conversation."

Oh boy, that guy sure looks like he needs to be FIXED!

Look at all of those pills, though! He's the next Greg Giraldo.

So my wife keeps botherin me about the peeepawds. I used to be a hothead, now I'm meeedicated but I still need fixin' alright?

I wonder if he'll mention his wife.

Oh I get it the joke is that Norton is on your 'best' list... Good one.

Scraping the barrel here bud

The title 'fixing joe' implies that the protagonist will feel better after the show.

Pre-cancer Steve Jobs? I don't get it.

why does that picture look like a bad tattoo on brian wrays friends skin?

geez that was rather wordy for a bad joke.

This self indulgent cringe fest of a human being is 20 years late for a radical self-analysis and necessary change to his who teenaged persona. Fucking kill yourself you dumb guido emo thug retard.

I admit.. I have no idea who that is?