Bearing in mind his immunity to fire, what would be your weapon of choice to remove this proud boy's smile, fedora and pride?

10  2017-04-09 by JoeCumiasCockBreath



Me own two Irish fists.

Watch out for his special "bend over" counter move, you feisty mick.

A black dick.

I wonder how many Proud Boys have called him out for looking exactly like Lorne Armstrong from "To Catch a Predator".

A girls naked body

UV Light.

Hot glue headphones to his ear and play the proud boy song on repeat

Freddy Kruger before the fire. If we can get Ant to wear a fedora, we can see the after.

a vagina

Tuberculosis, injected directly into the testicles.

removing a Proud's pride

Don't be too mean! It's all they have.

some needs their hat removed!

cinderblock on a 2 foot chain OR just throw some methylmercury on him and wait 6 months

In my autistic dream world? I'd love to get my hands on the Honjo Masamune and remove all three with one smooth swing.

Immunity to fire. Excellent line.

Brass knuckles.

A cold icepick