How many men do you think Ant has slept with?

6  2017-04-09 by Ant_Sucks




there's no "sleeping" involved when Ant lays with a man

Nice try with the hate but Sue Lightning identifies as a woman, bro.

This is a tough one. I am going to guess at least 3. We all know his dad taught him to shower by having the boys shower with him. So following that logic, I am guessing good ole dad taught the boy to love by showing him how. Then the brothers needsped to keep up the practice. So that is two. Then there was Rivhard. And we all know how that ended.

You forgot the Mexican who invited Anthony to go off in the bushes when he was in CA with his dad. Anthony says he said no and his dad beat the guy up but I suspect the dad beat the guy up after catching him burying his burrito in Anthony's firm young backside. And he didn't beat him up for fucking Anthony he beat him up because he fucked him without his permission or he was jealous that Anthony gave him up his to another man.

There's a reason behind his dad calling him a pissy eyed faggot all his life and it wasn't because he cried all the time. His dad knew something was going on.

Depends what you mean by "men"? If you mean adult males then only a handful but if you include boys... about the same as the population of the Philippines.