I feel bad that we're the reason Anthony is losing sponsors.

28  2017-04-09 by andycumiashow


Is it racist for a black guy to wear blackface?

it is when he identifies as white

Oh please, he's not black for god's sake.

He's an arab.


all he had to do for this get up was not wash his hair and stand by his pool for two days

anth 5 days with/o skin bleaching

It's good to see those individually placed follicles are working

At least he can still attract Chinese sponsors.

he was so proud of this too. "Only at compound media!"

Hes been doing the same bit since OJ days

Podcasts' closed.

Wow, well that's an old one.

10th anniversary raid this year, June 12th I believe...

I had literally no idea Habbo was still around.

Barely. It lost a lot of members when it was found out that it was full of pedo's. So, it kind of ties back around to Ant.

Why the Punch Stance? Is some creepy guy trying to take a picture of your crotch at 3AM?

Colin Kaepernick is 30% whiter than Anthony Cumia