is this the alt-right-troll sub Reddit room where we arrange twitter bashings?

8  2017-04-09 by uralldiseased

I'd like to take part in the cumia bashing, please.


How many brands of cereal you got for us?

Uhuru puffs

That counts as four.

We have no set political ideology, we are all autists however.

Speaking of, #48 was a winner today Vigo

Thank you my friend. Any memes presented do not reflect a personal endorsement, they are merely to appeal to Anthony.

Do you really have all the remaining 52 written already?

I only have a couple written. I mostly aggregate memes I find online that would appeal to Cumia's worldview.

Join RedBar's Anthony Cumia's Scars Club.


Get the fuck out of here redbar faggot

If alt-right means someone that doesn't vote or watch the news and shoves things up their butt you got me pegged.

Sounds like youve got yourself pegged