Anthony: "When I said I'd go as low as 13, it was a radio bit!!!!"

70  2017-04-09 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


If anything Anthony Probly would go lower if he was being honest

He's most likely angry that his 13 year old twitter groomees might not think he's into them anymore

Thsi nigga got busted grooming a what 15 year old? some guy catfished him. Dont try to walk down from that you fucking creep

He did say 9 one time, but that was joking. 13 was definitely his goal.

hes pretty right here tbh

Exactly. In that situation, nobody is 100% honest, you'll always go a little lower. He'd fuck a 12 year old if she had pubes and he could get away with it.

He does mention in that video that he'd fuck a four year old if she had an ass and tits. He's like the opposite of those Japanese pedophiles that like 2000 year old cartoon characters that look like little girls.

"Another fawkin LIEEEE!!" Anthony is turning into Opie.

Let me guess wanting to fuck your cousin and getting a hummer from treefort richard were just a radio bit too?

All lies, buncha tattletales...

Technically, it was a lie. He said 13, not 14. Just recently he was drooling over that 13 year old wigger from the Dr. Phil show. Remember when he quietly deleted his Vine account? I'm sure that was just a bit, too. Ant likes to pick and choose the most outrageous claims from here to whine about on twitter in order to make the very real accusations that he's a pedophilic tranny fucker seem less plausible, despite the overwhelming amount of evidence.

Fucking Sue is at least legal. But just another example of him preying on the mentally ill.

She's beautiful and dericate frower.


yeah I'd frower right in her... right in her fawkin cootah or sumptin


  • beautifulr


She's a frower, not a shower

Cash me at the compound; ill spit in your mouth.

And even the most outrageous claims have a nugget of truth in them. The Sue Lightning thing started as a joke, and in traditional O&A fashion it went way too far.

To be fair, that girl looks 18 and has the biggest tits I've ever seen on.13 year old.

And this implies that you have seen A LOT of them.


Who? Pics pz

Here's the "bit". As you can hear Anthony is absolutely sincere when he says this.

I plobebly rikes no prubic hail to.

Remember when he radio bit Dani on the hand so he wouldn't lose a fight with her? At least that incident led to him getting the help he needed and he no longer abuses alcohol.

I think he ras dlinking rast night tbh. He ras berrigelant.

It's hilarious and telling of our manic depressive membership how half your recent comments are severely upvoted, the other half severely downvoted. Or as you would say 廢物廢人廢話娘娘腔

Has impressive knowledge of age of consent laws, state by state - check. History of grooming teens - check. Looks like how Uncle Paul sounds - check

Suuuurrrreeee, now where's my gun?


On bullshit. If it were a bit, why would he have been buying gifts for a catfisher claiming to be a 13 year old girl? That wasn't a bit, it was a real thing he did in his personal life: buy wishlist gifts for someone he thought was a 13 year old girl.

"I could go as low as 13" was not a thing he did to Dani's hand.

Was getting catfished out of an iPad and attending prom in your forties also a radio bit Ant? No one's buying it, pedophile.

Nah man that was totally a radio bit, even though it wasn't on the radio.

He wants to have his cake and eat it too.

The show's format made him comfortable enough to parlay his racism, misogyny, pedophilia and love of violence into a paying on-air gig. Now that he's shared too much of himself with the world at large to take any of it back, he'll still try. With this sorry-ass excuse that it was all just for show.

Artie Lange, who suffers from similar personality flaws as Anthony, tried doing the same. Meanwhile, "We're just busting balls" has become code for "Let me show you just how much of an asshole I actually am, but you can't have a reaction to it because busting balls so I win either way."

Even back in the day when O&A were siccing their pests on their enemies, we all knew that if either guy was ever exposed as a liar, those same pests would eviscerate them with twice as much passion.

Any doubt about his pedophilia I had was blown away when I saw/heard Dani.

There is no reason to be attracted to that girl unless you enjoy prepubescence.

The proof is in the pudding. The bony, scrawny, lank-haired pudding.

I listened to the live show with Louie yesterday where he first meets Dani. It's actually fucking creepy how enamoured he is with her during it

Above all else...

Our daughter is 14, and half the kids at her school look older than Dani Brand.

our? do you and your husband post off the same account or something?

She had kids from a prior marriage. So it sounds weird to say "my daughter" when technically that's not true.

You have unfettered access to a 14 year-old who is not your blood daughter...? Paging /u/anthonycumiashow ...

Pics of her tits please

I don't know WHAT they're putting in the water these days, but when I was 14, nobody in school had ANYTHING going on. All that's changed now; Dani Brand could seriously pass for a ninth grader.

Except for the emotional maturity

I saw allegations that there are chemicals in the water that turn the frickin' frogs gay. But literally no one can confirm.

Anthony is his father.

And yet only days ago he got a raging chubby for cash me outside girl. Dudes a fucking creep.

Was scrolling down his Twitter feed earlier today and saw this tweet. I thought it was odd that he knew the exact context in which The guy was referring to without it being previously mentioned…

Anthony is proof that if ylu live by social media, you will fucking die by it

He mentions it when talking about Cash me outside girl and doubles down.

Ant doesn't understand that when you see a girl around that age, they're exploring their sexuality and trying to fit in. They're talking about her hanging off her burly security guard, that's what girls do around that age. It's not a free pass to fuck them. They're receiving sexual attention from men and they're not sure what to do about it, it's your job as an adult to not take advantage of them.

Ant's got the mentality that if a 14 year old girl flirts with her stepfather that he has every right to stick his dick in her. Or father for that matter.

"You think I would answer a question asked by an N PERSON seriously?! Fuck you."

Who gives a shit who asked the question? You still said you would fuck a thirteen year old.

Ah, the classic "I was playing a character" defense that Big Amy uses.

This is such a stupid tweet, it's blatant that he's serious if you listen to the clip - no room for interpretation.

He gets genuinely annoyed when everyone else in the room thinks 13 is too low. Not sure why that would be the case when he's just joking.

Correct. If it were a "bit", wouldn't people be laughing? Patrice sounded genuinely disgusted.

"You should be put down" has a truer word ever been said?

It was so crystal clear what his thinking was. "EVERYbody would. They just don't talk about it. Would you guys try a little honesty for once? Sick of this bullshit!"

No, creep. It's not even about morality per se or getting away with something. At the most basic, it's an utter lack of any desire.

I think he just flat out lacks the ability to wrap his head around that.

It was definitely a hypothetical scenario posed by Patrice for everyone's honest answer. He gave one, no expectation of laughter and no laughter recieved.

The scenario was weird though, the laws were imposed for a reason - it is simply immorally wrong to fuck a below 16 year old when you are a full grown adult.

Anthony's only reason for refraining was essentially that he would be arrested and go to jail if he did do it not that he would be taking advantage of someone too young to make a mature decision.

Yeah - any time he's talked about that kind of stuff it's like the morality of the subject doesn't even occur to him.

You dummies believe everything you hear on a radio show..I guess you guys believe Opie used to caddy for "mobsters" and he used to use a cement bag for his lunch...

He denies so many things that are abundantly clear. He is a racist pedophile from Tunisia.

redbar said 'you see an attractive girl, but then say to self NO, she's 13' - he acknowledged he sees it tho', & I think that was Ants point

Anthony is bitter,he lost his dream job,going on twitter.Now he has a podcast,that's going down the shitter.

our? do you and your husband post off the same account or something?

Thsi nigga got busted grooming a what 15 year old? some guy catfished him. Dont try to walk down from that you fucking creep

Pics of her tits please