Jim is already in Oslo

27  2017-04-08 by Dennyislife


I bet the suspect looks more like ant

and smells like yusuf

Yeah and he better not go to New Zealand high tsss tsss

I didn't know Vos was opening for Jimmy.

They're talking about a bomb, not somebody who kills the entire room.

He's coming to Sweden next, and we just had a bomb not go off, so he might do good. The bomb was on a truck, which had just mowed down some people though.

I'm in Oslo, 5 minutes from the place of discovery.

Police performed a controlled detonation, the blast was not very impressive. They highly doubt it was constucted by someone who knows about explosives.

We are likely dealing amateurs.

So, it's Jim's new material?


Anthony must be doing a roast over there

please don't give jim the credibility.

i just know norton would cum in his pants at himself being portrayed as a terrorist.

His netflix special sucked balls.